Example sentences of "[vb infin] with a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The self-abnegation of Friends , emptying themselves the better to be filled by the Light Within , did not then necessarily exclude the pursuit of righteousness in the world ; equally , in the outlook of growing numbers of Quakers in the early nineteenth century , this stance could merge with a stress on the experience of grace which aligned them with evangelicals .
2 Banc One has a rule that it will not merge with an institution that is larger than one-third its own size .
3 cos it was all fresh cos he was gon na get meat tomorrow and the following day , so I says to him I says well why did n't you use your cheque book ? , he says oh I never thought of that he says , cos it takes a few days to get it , he do n't know with a cheque book
4 To the extent that interest rates and yields do fall with an expansion of the money supply , people may well hold larger money balances : after all , the opportunity cost of holding that liquidity ( i.e. the interest sacrificed by not holding bonds , etc. ) has been reduced .
5 The Doctor looked back from the short flight of steps leading down to the entry hall , and watched the TARDIS dematerialize with a feeling of pain at seeing his ship go without him .
6 Yesterday we observed that Mr Jeffrey Archer ( whose idea of canvassing for the Tory Party has revived the lost art of burlesque ) had bet £10 that the Tories will win with a majority of 27 seats .
7 Trevino taught Willie course yardages , Mexican-American humour and how they could win with a quip and a smile .
8 However , not all females show equally strong preferences , and they decided to breed from the females that did mate with a quadrimaculata male , to see whether their offspring would also show the preference .
9 A woman should never flirt with a man other than her husband , but this does not mean that she is oppressed in any way .
10 Comedy is radical , too , in the sense of forcing the reader to reconsider traditional reverences : tragedy can flatter and soothe with an assurance that even in the dungeon or on the scaffold the heroic mind is invulnerable .
11 You ca n't shave with a tiddlywink ,
12 The next morning , although he felt better , his hands were shaking so much that I refused to let him shave with a safety razor and told him that a friend was bringing his own electric shaver to lend him .
13 Again , they shrug , if they could survive with a front-row of Ricky Evans , Nigel Meek and Hugh Williams-Jones against England , they should hardly be in undue trouble against Scotland — particularly as they will be under the eye of the same referee in France 's Joel Dume .
14 Strange that it should survive with an adversary , the BBMF Mk II Spit which I once serviced .
15 The proposal will commence with a reappraisal of existing data of polyester roofing systems from work previously undertaken by BFRC .
16 Formal monitoring should commence with an inspection of cleaning/disinfection standards , immediately preceding the trial , a record of which should be kept .
17 The breath caught in her throat as his hands cupped her naked breasts , his thumbs stroking the already erect nipples , making them throb with a pleasure that was akin to anguish .
18 When there was nothing but ash he could crumble with a stick he went back up to his room .
19 These organisations are ready and willing to accept your work and reproduce it to a significantly higher quality that you can achieve with a page printer such as Apple 's LaserWriter or even AM Varityper 's VT 600 .
20 Documents= : File extensions that the File Manager will associate with a document .
21 But Wolf 's concern for " stimulus " and " suggestion " was , ultimately , a means to an end that might be defined very much in terms of " knowledge " and not at all in terms of cultural purpose such as one would associate with a figure like Lessing .
22 For example , now that autumn is fading and the leaves are carpeting the ground in a tapestry of brilliant colours , just as one imagines that winter is only a clear night sky away , along come some plants which we might all associate with a spring display .
23 ‘ I could only speak with a muffle . ’
24 As both a guitarist and an adman , I can speak with a bit of authority .
25 He can speak with a bit of slurring , so what .
26 She could feel the almost-accidental brush of his hand against her hair and felt herself flood with a warmth deeper and more insistent than the scalding heat of the water in which they were immersed .
27 A ‘ You could finish with a chain cast off on the front , instead of backstitching through the open stitches as usual .
28 SO , in the end , it did finish with a whimper and not a bang .
29 In the Commons , Sir Thomas Clarges moved that " a standing Army is destructive to the Country " , whilst his fellow Tory , Edward Seymour , declared that " the safety of the Kingdom doth not consist with a standing force " , adding ( in a way which anticipated Tory arguments used after 1689 ) that " all the profit and security of this Nation is in our Ships , and had there been the least ship in the Channel " , Monmouth could never have landed .
30 While one can sympathise with a player whose season has virtually been written off , his decision to take legal action over what is surely an occupational hazard opens the door for other players to consider following suit .
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