Example sentences of "[vb infin] it in [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A small one , but let's chuck it in with the rest .
2 You 're concentration goes it 's like er it 's like someone 's going to try and head it in to the net and he 's trying to work out which corner it 's going into and he 's
3 Well he mixed with all the stars and of course , I suppose part of the underworld , but er they reckon that he did n't kill himself , I mean they did bring it in as suicide but er they reckon that you know , there 's people think he was murdered .
4 Shall I bring it in for you ? ’
5 Here , can you bring it in for me ? ’
6 she does n't bring it in for you .
7 Frankie give me a b g er as I get stuff I 'll bring it in to you , alright ?
8 Would you bring it in at once ?
9 I 've got it I 've got it at home I can bring it in at the next meeting or whatever .
10 I 've got ta bring it in on Tuesday .
11 if I needed any I , I used to ask my boss or phone up head office and say petty cash is getting a bit low I 've used a lot of stamps last week , they 'd send me up a cheque and , never any question of they 've provided us with tea and the pint of milk I use , I , I 'd bring it in with me or ask the
12 If the registration service was erm , asked to ma to reduce its budgets for ninety four , five and future years , by twenty thousand , it could do it in to three , four , five because it would bring forward twenty thousand pounds worth of carry forwards .
13 I 'm here to tell you that if Alan is right and big Arnie ( pictured left ) did the body beautiful business behind the Co that night , anyone who happened to take a photograph of him should send it in to me pronto .
14 I it 's she will type it in as two , and then you will give her the next draft and then two and then the next draft and then two , I mean there 's no confusion there for her .
15 But if we do n't get a good response to this I might stick it in for the day in The Post .
16 You could erm you could , you could stick it in like the bedroom and wait for someone to go in and have a shag
17 ‘ We think that the true rule of law is , that the person who for his own purposes brings on his lands and collects and keeps there anything likely to do mischief if it escapes , must keep it in at his peril , and , if he does not do so , is prima facie answerable for all the damage which is the natural consequence of its escape . ’
18 He 's left something here and I know he 'll want it — I thought I 'd drop it in to him .
19 So you can drop it in on a Wednesday drop it in
20 I 'll drop it in round sixish .
21 It 's best not to try and fit it in during school breaks because you need a continuous stretch of time at it .
22 one is , as far as I can see , is to do this where we fit , where we 're able to fit in subjects that er we missed , so certainly we 'll fit it in on the , on the later session .
23 People do fit it in around themselves .
24 Ring them up and say ‘ I hope you do n't mind me messing you about like this but I 've been thinking over your kind offer , and I realize I could fit it in after all because of a sudden change of circumstances at home and my mother 's coming down to help me out — oh , and if there 's a spare ticket — ’
25 Why do n't you take it in with you ?
26 And I think he 'll have it in for you .
27 They will have it in for us in a big way .
28 You can have it in on a block , or , and put it on the floor , a lump and put it on the floor .
29 I mean you ca n't , it 's not , I mean you could n't have it in like
30 The flexibility and cheapness of overdraft borrowing is possible because it is an ‘ on demand ’ facility , and we can therefore call it in at any time .
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