Example sentences of "[vb infin] and think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 every anthropologist has experienced ‘ culture shock ’ ; a temporary inability to grasp and act and think in the terms of the assumptions upon which the newly entered culture is based .
2 The substitution of the term " information " for the old " press and propaganda " , and its promotion to ministerial level seemed to indicate a more wide-ranging approach to questions of what the general public might know and think of the regime ; while the allocation of official attention to tourism suggested that , by contrast with the days of autarchy and isolationism , foreigners were henceforth to be encouraged to come to Spain .
3 It was frightening how hunger and lack of sleep could make you behave and think like a real bastard .
4 Shall I wait and think about it ?
5 They would walk in the dusk by the water , listening to the lapping of the tide against the boats , and there would be someone there , perhaps , whom she would understand , appeal to more than his usual friends , for she could do things like deal with electricity and mend things , and she had not always lived in England , that was interesting , and she did not just giggle and think about clothes , and he would find her a relief to talk to , this rather exceptional , different person , someone with imagination .
6 There would be a brief but spectacular meteor shower in Lucifer 's upper atmosphere tonight , he thought , wondering if those on Belial would watch and think of them , as he had thought of Paula Engado when she 'd become a shooting star .
7 Like , you get teachers who join the police ; they 're not good policemen to me , they do n't eat and think like policemen .
8 My Group was anxious that all teachers should understand and think about the ideological assumptions implied by their approach to the teaching of English , for this is one way to overcome dogmatism .
9 I had n't let myself stop and think about it , but I knew there was something very wrong with me , and although I was n't depressed exactly , I was going through hell .
10 Do you ever stop and think about the way you breathe ?
11 Now let us stop and think about these last few words .
12 ‘ The gang should also stop and think about the danger they could be in .
13 His latest series is probably his best yet and will make many people stop and think about their own lives and relationships .
14 Well now you 've made me stop and think about it four thousand pounds a year is nothing .
15 Let me try and think of an example that is n't confidential .
16 ‘ I 'll try and think of something else , sir , ’ Hoomey said brightly .
17 I tend to live on my pension and , even when I see something I need , I will try and think of a reason to manage without .
18 when you find out , you must try and think of some way that y can make you to think of it .
19 So what I do is try and think about everybody involved .
20 find a cure erm perhaps we should try and think about why we get depressed in the first place , I know there 's lot of people who co , here have had problems .
21 But what it tells us is that in these twenty areas , management should try and think about what it is they can do to prevent problems .
22 Well I think even if you do n't do it as one christian or as one human being to another , even if you do it in the view of a general who sleeps with the enemy general 's picture over his bed and you 've got ta try and think into this man 's mind , remember he 's from West Belfast , he 's from the area that this man was killed in .
23 ‘ Many pupils have long wanted a quiet , peaceful area in the school so they can talk , read and think during playtimes and lunch breaks , ’ said Mrs andrea Bradshaw , the Deputy Head .
24 ‘ Er — just the one night , I think , ’ she replied , having hoped not to stay even that long but suddenly realising that , since she needed some kind of base where she could go to collect her thoughts , that perhaps to have a room where she could relax and think in private was n't such a bad idea after all .
25 I do n't sit and think about things , I run at 'em and dive in . ’
26 Oh no I do n't sit and think about it like you do with things .
27 How can we sit and think after that — ’
28 Okay well they 're two completely different spelling different things and you got them bot right I did n't I did n't help you I did n't even say and think about which sort of bean you 're using or anything like that did I .
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