Example sentences of "[to-vb] children from the " in BNC.

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1 And so decisions to exclude children from the National Curriculum must in turn be arbitrary in part .
2 However the legislation specifically forbad the use of vegetation or planters in the roadway that would either obstruct vision or be high enough to hide children from the view of approaching drivers .
3 Concern for the safety of young children resulted in a massive scheme to evacuate children from the vulnerable cities to safe homes in more isolated country areas .
4 As this increase in capacity raised concerns about the lack of spare capacity at Comiston Primary School to accommodate children from the development , I requested the use of a condition to phase the rate of house completions from the site .
5 Miss Williams took him to meet the police Land Rover at the stable gate , a bone-thin , wiry woman in her late fifties , her expression sufficiently forbidding to prevent the parents , edging cars through the gate to collect children from the ten o'clock ride , from asking any questions .
6 A current priority for KIDLINK , initiated by the children , is to work towards making the network more globally representative , particularly to involve children from the world 's Islamic communities .
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