Example sentences of "[to-vb] children at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But in fact every creative and inventive and imaginative activity ( including that of inventing new tools ) is better done with the help of ‘ technology ’ , and so a failure to familiarize children at school with the use of such technology inhibits their imaginative potential , as well as making them incompetent and virtually unemployable when they leave school .
2 This is a project which is to help children at school understand something of industry and of the industrial world in which they 're going to work , and also conversely to bring industrialists into involvement with schools themselves and with developing the curriculum .
3 Indeed , my own interest in the problem came , not through sociology , but originated when , as a law student , I studied the legal powers available to the state to protect children at risk from abuse and neglect .
4 Equally , the state is obliged in theory to protect children at risk .
5 Social services departments were strongly criticized in the 1980s for not taking more effective action to protect children at risk .
6 However , the Bill retains the duty of local authorities to protect children at risk .
7 Maureen O'Hara , of the Children 's Legal Centre , said : ‘ Local authorities have to accept that if they 've made every effort to keep children at home with the non-abusing parent and it does n't work , they may have to be taken into care . ’
8 A home tutor is a teacher employed to teach children at home when they are unable to attend school for any length of time , for instance because of illness .
9 She describes the context of the child care service , the preventive services and what happens when they are not enough to maintain children at home .
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