Example sentences of "[to-vb] children and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fitzharrys , John Mason and Larkmead secondary schools in Abingdon pooled their resources to produce a full colour joint prospectus , and plan shared events to ensure that energies are not misdirected in aggressive competition to attract children and parents .
2 The form of social control is more humane , aiming to reintegrate children and families into society rather than to rescue children and punish parents .
3 If supporting parents and children is important for members of the indigenous community , how much more important it is to help children and parents from minority cultures to understand the nature of school and schooling .
4 Voluntary groups from all over Scotland have been meeting in Edinburgh to decide how to help children and families infected with HIV .
5 Argyll and Bute district council did post warning notices at Loch Awe advising people to keep children and pets off the shore , but these were recently removed after the hot weather which had made the problem worse was over .
6 She continues to love children and mothers all small animals .
7 Nor should catechetical programmes overlook the need to teach children and adolescents a proper and responsible use of the media .
8 The total task needs to be broken down into small easily achieved wins , eg every teacher will be in the playground five minutes before the bell goes to greet children and parents , four children from each class will have their names entered in the ‘ Gold book ’ for good work or praiseworthy actions , any child in hospital for more than one night will receive ‘ get well cards ’ from the class and a visit by a member of staff , the entrance hall is cleared of clutter and made more welcoming for visitors .
9 The headteacher who is in the playground in the morning to greet children and parents and also there in the afternoon to see the children safely away is in a strong position to encourage casual chatter about learning , teaching and the parents ' perceptions of the school .
10 Some readers will hasten to add children and animals !
11 In trying to amuse children and grown-ups , it contains scenes which will displease both .
12 In his view , they should be able to undertake more thorough investigations and be placed in a position to ask children and parents about their plans for the future .
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