Example sentences of "[to-vb] off [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Pillars ran around the circular enclosure , and the myriad corridors all seemed to disappear off to an elaborate pattern .
2 Every Saturday morning , while I was setting up the barrow , Mr Salmon used to disappear off to the Whitechapel synagogue leaving his wife to run the shop .
3 ROS : You march in here without so much as a by your leave and expect me to take very lunatic you try to pass off with a lot of unsubstantiated
4 The distinction , termed ‘ polarisation ’ was deemed necessary to make more transparent to customers the possible ties of their advisers , and to eliminate the ability of an intermediary to pass off as an independent adviser yet suggest the policies of the advisers ' own company ( or those which provide the highest commission ) .
5 The fans were right to give me stick but they 've been good to me and it 's great to come off to a reception like that . ’
6 I 've planned me route , I 'm going down the M six , I need to come off at the spaghetti junction whatever it is , and I 'm going to check me clock and I 'm going allow plenty of time to get there .
7 When told to sod off by a man well over six feet tall , about fourteen stones in weight , with a four-iron in his hand , and known to be of uncertain temperament , even the most hardened reporter will do just that .
8 A court dealing with an offender who is already subject to a community service order may make a further consecutive order , so long as the total number of hours remaining to be performed does not exceed 240 ( as this is a matter of principle rather than statute , the court is prepared to contemplate minor departures , as where the offender has very few hours to work off under the original order . )
9 However it was , the one he had aimed at did not get out of the way in time and a last-minute attempt to slink off in the wind failed .
10 Like thoroughbred horses chafing at their bits before an important race , they are liable at any moment to sprint off at a hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction .
11 Imagine my joy when , slowly , slowly , all by itself , it begins to creep off down the slope …
12 At the very last minute Nessie handed the pig bucket to Tim , who was sitting at the back with Kevin and the children ready to jump off at the road end .
13 At this point an Irishman among the raiders unaccountably chose to dash off through the still sleeping streets to raise the alarm .
14 Lawyers acting for Ferranti concede that there is no chance of getting back the full £215m which the company is being forced to write off as a result of the International Signal and Control fraud .
15 15 — 479 BC — whom there is no special reason to write off as an anachronism by the historian ) and the league was never dissolved in the fifth , despite the disgrace and demoralization caused by Theban medism in the Persian Wars , and despite a decade 's loss of independence to Athens , in Boiotia as a whole , between 457 and 446 .
16 The ferry was not big , but she dwarfed the harbour — she had to stand off from the jetty and land us by boat — and indeed the village .
17 A distraction may cause it to wander off into the road , with fatal consequences .
18 The not inconsiderable amount of time clients spend in hospital and campus services without supervision in part reflects the option for clients to wander off into the dormitories unnoticed .
19 A child who was not allowed to wander off to the park , would certainly not be allowed to fly off to the planets .
20 The problem in gearing up investment to shoot off down the experience curve and become the cost leader is that you may be overtaken by technology .
21 How can the Minister justify the attempt to sell off into the private sector , just a matter of weeks before a general election , what most Londoners rightly regard as the proper seat of London 's government ?
22 Hundreds of people line the banks of the River Coruh in Eastern Turkey eagerly awaiting three huge river rafts , each with a 24 strong crew , to set off down the rapids .
23 It was eleven o'clock before all the family were in bed , and two o'clock next morning was the latest time to set off with the beehives .
24 She was the last passenger to set off across the tracks , laden with parcels from her shopping trip , and the little boy tagging along behind .
25 But this morning , I must say , I found it quite offensive and it may well have been the urge to demonstrate just how foolish his insinuation had been that caused me to set off up the footpath .
26 My husband and daughter decide to set off up the hill ‘ to look for America ’ .
27 Well , so I 'm going to meet him at Temple Meads and we 're going to set off to the Marquis family abode .
28 She looked as if she were about to set off for a provincial cocktail party , an office party of female executives .
29 A MOTHER has condemned thieves who stole the wheels off the family car just before her cancer victim daughter was to set off for a hospital check up .
30 It was a suspiciously long letter for someone who seldom wrote any , and when Rain was waiting to set off for the office he was still tapping away at it .
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