Example sentences of "[to-vb] away [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The 1980s ended with the tabloids ' confidence waning , and with the Sun 's nudes moving to page five , perhaps to slip away for good .
2 Here comes summer … time for the two of you to slip away for that special holiday , so sit back and enjoy those dream destinations that make you wish you were there … cruise the Caribbean 's hot spots on Le Ponant and graceful and stylish luxury yacht … take time off a tour of the Greek Islands and enjoy the special mixture of sun , beauty and history … party 'till dawn on Majorca or discover more secluded spots on this and the other Balearic Islands … beat the crowds to the tiny Caribbean island of Anguilla and relish the silky feel of warm sand slipping between your toes … if time is short cross the Channel to France and the pretty countryside of Picardy … or rediscover England on a relaxing barge built for two … we also look at romantic hotels in Britain , perfect for first nights , short breaks or indulgent weekends …
3 The spring , he says , is a particularly perilous time in adder-land : as they emerge from hibernation , adders are too groggy to slip away from potential threats but their fangs are filled with several months ' worth of venom .
4 Yet it 's flexible enough to pull away in fourth gear from 1000rpm .
5 I 'm lucky , very lucky indeed you know just to come away with bruised ribs .
6 You can have a lot of fun shooting city lights , but there are one or two points to watch out for if you are going to come away with some really effective shots .
7 It is better to come away with half a dozen good shots which may be sold to clients , than to finish up with six hundred unsaleable frames which will have no further practical use .
8 After five terms I moved into Surrey to become head of the history department in Wallington County Grammar School for Boys and to work away for five years at doing what grammar schools were most proud of : helping boys to win awards at Oxford or Cambridge , urging ever-growing numbers of them successfully through public examinations , encouraging that sense of discipline and order which characterized the traditional Public and grammar school , wearing a gown , sustaining the prefect system .
9 Herbert Read , in a conversation with Stephen Spender during this period , suggested that Eliot was lacking in affection for " perhaps everyone " and that he wished " to slink away into some corner and die " .
10 Another girl , who looked wretchedly unhappy and as if she might be going to fade away at any moment , practically had a miscarriage on stage one night as a result of some pills she 'd been made to take by her awful lout of a lover .
11 With quotes like that , Nicholson also became tagged as a ‘ thinking ’ actor , and , in 1970 , as some of the stronger influences of the Sixties began to fall away with remarkable speed , was another influence that could be troubling any actor : the state of Hollywood itself .
12 In some houses the fire grate was loose in the wall and looked liable to fall away at any moment … perhaps when full of live coals and with a pan of boiling water .
13 ‘ It 's not terribly easy to go away with that sort of thing ringing in your ears , but for all that I could n't have chosen a more marvellous or rewarding life . ’
14 ‘ I 'm going to go away with Suki for a while .
15 The week after next I have to go away for two weeks . ’
16 " I had to go away for several days and while I was gone your mother saw some papers in Devraux 's desk .
17 I have to put him into kennels tomorrow as I have to go away for some time and they insist that he be fully vaccinated . ’
18 Ca n't understand what families want to go away at all .
19 and er anyway he got home about half past three so we had to go down to Marks went down to Marks , came back and he bought me a sandwich , I said I 've eaten nothing all day , bought me this sandwich , I was hoping to go away at six
20 The concept is an enormous one for twelve-year-olds to grasp with any sense of reality , for many children of that age would regard it as fun if their family had to go away to new lands — just as I can recall at that age receiving the news of the outbreak of the Second World War with great joy !
21 Occasionally we had to go away to one of our other convents for meetings .
22 erm then we would actually go , have to go away from that meeting on the nineteenth and c and come back with that information
23 Considering these evils , I hereby promise to remain away from all motion pictures except those which do not offend decency and Christian morality .
24 The RAF were expecting them , and a motorised ack-ack unit had been called in with their Scammells and their diesel generators and their giant mobile searchlights to blaze away with 3.7 inch AA guns at what they tentatively registered as about a dozen Heinkels flying very high , too high to be in danger .
25 In unfair dismissal cases , it is understandable that industrial tribunals tend to shrink away from complex arithmetic .
26 The multi-billion-pound business had already taken a severe thrashing last year , as the outside world began to shrink away from growing violence .
27 During the school years , children must learn to grow away from such a communicative support system , and increase their communicative independence .
28 Left to their own devices , young people were naturally inclined to veer away from any show of nonconformity .
29 The timing to walk away from such a situation is crucial ; unless you are in the mood to parry age old male posturings and sexual innuendo .
30 ‘ Any attempt in a political vacuum to walk away from constitutional republicanism would be a very dangerous exercise , and would most certainly provide a new recruiting platform for terrorism . ’
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