Example sentences of "[to-vb] in [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Because I did n't want the kids saying , ah , you have n't got to And I did n't want to go in on Saturday morning either did I ?
2 According to Article 55 , the future Chief Executive had the power to invite " other persons " to sit in on Exco meetings .
3 Having had the good fortune to fall in with Gabriel outside Cat 's Coffee Shop as she was on her way home , he had seized his chance and asked her for an early supper .
4 This would account for Rufus 's readiness to fall in with Anselm 's demand that Matilda should be forced to return to her cloister , which ( as we have seen ) rather surprised Anselm .
5 Leonora doubted that biscuits were much of a cure for what ailed her , but she bit into one meekly , deciding that the best policy was to fall in with Penry Vaughan 's wishes whenever possible , to keep the peace .
6 The Orient Express is due to pull in in May .
7 We can depend on you to come in on Sunday ca n't we ?
8 Er few problems with the job before we started or during the job er , come back to us for a six so far so we have to What we will do is drop them down and Er another problem with the job is we 're about three week 's behind er arranged for them to come in on Monday .
9 I wo n't be in on Monday so people will have to come in on Monday somebody will have to come in on Monday , go to the room specified which I have n't agreed yet and then put it on and then bring it back again to so people who ca n't make it today , that that 's the alternative arrangement but I 'll tell you more when I come back at eleven o'clock , okay ?
10 I wo n't be in on Monday so people will have to come in on Monday somebody will have to come in on Monday , go to the room specified which I have n't agreed yet and then put it on and then bring it back again to so people who ca n't make it today , that that 's the alternative arrangement but I 'll tell you more when I come back at eleven o'clock , okay ?
11 I 'll have to do some more calls on Friday night to try and get those appointments , and if necessary , I 'll have to come in on Saturday morning , because you do n't finish a week until you 've got your appointments for the following week .
12 I mean the the stuff 's due to come in on Friday , he reckons it 'll get it 's the fourth on Friday is n't it ?
13 Vinny Jones has been sold to Wimbledon and David Lee is set to come in for Paul Elliott , who will be out for the season with injury .
14 Throw their young lives away in a stupid , ill-considered and bloody botch of an idea to come in through Europe 's back door .
15 There were a few complaints of poverty and the money was slow to come in from Norfolk and Yorkshire .
16 Medical supplies are scarce , but as a prelude to this week 's talks PNG allowed some to come in from Australia .
17 It was four hours later when Madeleine managed to slip in to Jeanne 's cell .
18 ( They disport themselves to accommodate the next piece of mime , which consists of the PLAYER himself exhibiting an excitable anguish ( choreographed , stylized ) leading to an impassioned scene with the QUEEN ( cf. " The Closet Scene " , Shakespeare Act III , scene iv ) and a very stylized reconstruction of a POLONIUS figure being stabbed behind the arras ( the murdered KING to stand in for POLONIUS ) while the PLAYER himself continues his breathless commentary for the benefit of ROS and GUIL . )
19 Or , from the Viz diary of a made-up Hollywood stunt man : ‘ I was asked to stand in for Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon II , but I turned it down 'cos Patsy Kensit 's got tits like fried eggs . ’
20 She moved to Tonight , The Nine O'Clock News and The Six O'Clock News before leaving current affairs to stand in for Wogan .
21 It would surely be better for the case of female representation in the letters page ( 8 May ) if the concerned person of gender were not to write in from Hampton Wick .
22 He would invade in the east , making no secret of his intention from Northumberland ; and Balliol , necessarily stiffen d by Lord Dacre and Sir Anthony Lucy , the English Middle and West March Wardens respectively , was to march in from Carlisle and Cumbria .
23 Even the chairman was n't allowed to look in without Chapman 's permission . ’
24 Where had Adam got the money to pay someone to look in at Wyvis Hall daily ?
25 So , as much as it went against the grain , she knew she had no alternative but to fit in with Ross 's plans .
26 A farming community , existing as a hamlet in ancient times , it probably developed its agricultural resources to fit in with Kilham , which was at one time the chief market town in this part of the East Riding .
27 ‘ How 's that going to fit in with David Parkin by the way — if the lab results are positive ? ’
28 The current version of the product is designed to fit in with Microsoft 's Windows NT ( New Technology ) strategy and allows Microsoft to offer an environment that runs on anything from laptops to 80486 servers and engineering workstations .
29 ‘ Unfortunately , the family has just had to fit in around Graham 's needs , ’ Kathleen adds .
30 Think of the effort that Professor Higgins had to put in with Eliza !
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