Example sentences of "[to-vb] again at [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Theda was left to stare again at her reflection , all her pleasure in the delectable peach gown destroyed .
2 They were forced to look again at their own system and make adjustments .
3 We have encouraged those who introduced local management of schools first to look again at their schools , and to ensure that the right balance exists between the funding of secondary schools and that of primary schools .
4 It would certainly encourage the brewers to look again at their commercial strategy .
5 People have been simply asked to sign their name at the bottom of a sheet of photocopied paper that says , ’ I want you to look again at my rights . ’
6 We can leave for the time being , however , the implications of his activist approach to Truth in order to look again at his concept of Truth as hitherto elucidated .
7 If we ask why Gandhi lays so much stress on the relation between Truth and ahi s , we have to look again at his view of the Self .
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