Example sentences of "[to-vb] through the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In some puppies , the hole which allowed blood to flow through the umbilical cord is bigger than it needs to be ; once the cord shrivels up , the hole is left open and if it is too big , a small piece of fat may be able to pop through .
2 In accordance with the promptings of his noble nature , he envisioned that streams of water should be made to flow through the proposed fort and that its terraces should overlook the river .
3 The late Frank Howes showed an understanding of the problems racing a choreographer when he wrote : ‘ Every dance has its own rhythm , just as every dancer has an inborn sense of measuring time because each movement must be felt to flow through the whole body as well as the space in which it moves .
4 The water has to flow through the stiff bristles , which filter out particles and also encourage them to settle to the bottom of the chamber , by slowing the flow .
5 After the nightmare images conjured up by John and Charles it was reassuring to drive through the historic streets of Sandwich and return to the sane world of the golf tournament .
6 I am afraid that I have to confess that we allow a substantial number of people to remain simply because we have not had the staff to pursue their claims to remain through the various hoops available to them .
7 Unlike the crab louse , the mite of scabies lays its eggs under the skin surface , and to do this it needs to burrow through the thick outer layer of the shin .
8 Fish encountering the modern nylon nets attempt to swim through the near-invisible mesh and become entangled , usually by the gills — hence the name gill-net .
9 In the loyalist camp an intense controversy on strategy was in progress and was to continue through the following months .
10 This level of provision represents a very substantial commitment of resources to the enterprise bodies and it should be sufficient to enable them to carry through the wide range of tasks expected of them and to build on their excellent first year of operation .
11 The ability of Margaret Thatcher 's government to carry through the radical departure from ‘ consensus ’ economic policies in the 1980s was not inhibited by civil service power , although there were titanic struggles and some officials were replaced by others more sympathetic to the government 's policies .
12 Greece is not , on the evidence of the past , the sort of place to carry through the democratic reconstruction it now needs .
13 When the time came for the cake to be cut , Breeze handed the knife to Susan — but her wrists were not strong enough to saw through the solid mass .
14 the participants for H Two will have already discovered , we are still tackling part of H One from yesterday , but , and I apologize that you will have to sit through the outstanding items of discussion .
15 Like most Chinese children unfortunate enough to grow up in the Sixties , Zeng 's education was severely disrupted by the Cultural Revolution , and he had to sit through the shouting matches and brain-washing sessions just as everyone else did .
16 There was intended to be time to descend , to retire through the covert and to supervise the fast , careful infill of stone that would give them their bridge when the walls fell .
17 If the local authority knows that it wishes to privatise and not use local authority employees at all , it does not have to go through the compulsory tender procedure .
18 And few of the people who hit the glass ceiling are inclined to go through the additional pain of a complaint to the government or a court case .
19 Throughout the dispute my technique was to go through the front door — I refused to be smuggled in — and then ask for a deputation of the demonstrators to come and talk to me .
20 The adventurers will probably want to go through the usual routine of tipping the earth out of the coffin , smashing it , and suchlike , but then they have the pressing problem of getting out of this room .
21 There 's no need to go through the usual rigmarole of minimizing your word processor application , opening a spreadsheet , typing in the data and then copying and pasting it back into the word processor .
22 HARRISONS & Crosfield must really dislike being classified as an overseas trader if it is willing to go through the complex process of changing its listing only to end up as a miscellaneous industrial .
23 In fact , you had to go through the humiliating procedure of explaining to everyone that it was indeed a public school .
24 All four were taken to a hotel to go through the agonising ordeal of kissing goodbye to the baby they had thought was theirs .
25 When buying or selling your home , the one certainty is that you will have to go through the legal process commonly known as conveyancing .
26 So whatever 's in there ca n't get out up there it 's got to go through another pipe it 's got to go through the other pipe .
27 Of course I 'm sorry , for some strange reason I thought we were going that way , I 've got to go through the other way have n't I ?
28 I find found that absolutely incredible and I thought it was bizarre to say the least , the procedure we had to go through the other er evening erm with two hours of acrimonious debate er a break while you consulted er the officers before we got to some er sensible way forward which is now incorporated in this amendment er to spend a hundred thousand pounds on actually trying to trace .
29 They would even have to go through the new routines in between shows .
30 We 're not supposed to go through the new Lab anyway .
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