Example sentences of "[to-vb] way to the " in BNC.

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1 ... 21 AT London Scottish the role of providing rugby opportunities to Scots in London is still important , but in times of league realism , racial purity has had to give way to the expediency of also running a successful 1st XV .
2 The intention behind the reforms was made clear in the famous words : ‘ [ the conception of the juvenile ] as primarily a little wage-earner , was to give way to the conception of him ‘ as primarily the workman and citizen in training ’ .
3 While it is not right that either partner should always have to give way to the other , each may have to concede at times , for both their sakes and for the well-being of their marriage .
4 Susan came down for breakfast today , and they had an exciting time opening their parcels , for their father 's illness had prevented their making friends in the neighbourhood ; but there was plenty to do and talk about , and they steadfastly refused to give way to the depression that naturally overcame them at times .
5 And then irritation began to give way to the first tricklings of fear .
6 The elder child may be made to give way to the demands of the younger one in order to keep the peace .
7 He was bearing the cold and damp better than he had in the previous year , but these winter months were a time when proper life had to give way to the struggle merely to exist .
8 His five partners , however , were reluctant to give way to the General .
9 She had stared down at him , feeling the hard disdain radiating from his muscular body and trying not to give way to the sheer physical power of the man .
10 He resolutely refuses to give way to the temptation to blame the local inhabitants for their problems .
11 3 The act not only created a situation in which the House of Lords had to give way to the House of Commons , but in providing for the " representation of the people " it admitted a new principle of linkage between the state and society .
12 It is unwise , however , to give way to the temptation to apply the pluralist model to the Soviet Union on the grounds that ‘ basically all industrial societies are alike ’ .
13 In the Soviet Union the emphasis on ‘ socialist legality ’ meant that the interests of particular individuals had to give way to the interests of society as a whole as interpreted by the party and government .
14 In its clarity and purity of form , the mosque reminded me of the best early Cistercian architecture — that brief and precious half-century before the original ascetic urge began to give way to the worldly frivolity of the Later Middle Ages , the period that produced the great Chapter House at Fountains and the original dark-stone nave at Rievaulx .
15 I shall be happy to give way to the hon. Member for Dunfermline , East ( Mr. Brown ) if Mr. Speaker will allow him to answer that question .
16 He refused to give way to the hon. Member for North Down ( Mr. Kilfedder ) .
17 I am prepared to give way to the hon. Gentleman , but he continues to interrupt from a sedentary position , irrespective of your ruling , Madam Deputy Speaker .
18 For the avoidance of doubt , Mr. Speaker , I do not intend to give way to the hon. Gentleman and , if he persists in intervening , it is merely because the Labour party 's grasp of democracy can not survive a week such as the previous one .
19 It was recognised in the fifteenth century that the right had to give way to the public interest in the administration ofjustice .
20 The time for repairs , it would seem , was about to give way to the time for offence , if not injury .
21 I 'd be very glad to give way to the honourable lady .
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