Example sentences of "[to-vb] any time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 William Smyth , the company chairman , said : ‘ It is difficult to imagine any time since 1967 when our prospects for the future look brighter .
2 We ca n't afford to waste any time on tantrums . ’
3 ‘ Well , Fedorov wo n't be visiting the post office till the end of the month , but we do n't want to waste any time after that .
4 So I told him he 'd better go , because by this time I was bubbling a bit and I wanted to kill the man : I was n't really prepared to lose any time over hitting a court welfare officer .
5 Robinson Crusoe was far too busy cultivating his island on the basis of hard work helped by all the capital goods he had salvaged from the shipwreck to have any time for fairy stories .
6 In a low and antagonistic frame of mind she accepted that Ace was never going to have any time for her .
7 I , I do n't intend to spend any time on that at all we went through it last time
8 Yes , if you have to spend any time in hospital as the result of an accident which requires an overnight stay .
9 You can apply to enter any time from the date of your sixteenth birthday .
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