Example sentences of "[to-vb] to school [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While the children each paid 25p to come to school in clothes of their own choice , the staff dressed up St. Trinians style in uniform .
2 89% were allowed to walk to school as a child .
3 I know we used to have to run to school in the morn er for the shopping in the morning .
4 Oh yeah , I 've done this I 've done that , I 've done this oh yeah , yeah , yeah , some of us have to go to school to work
5 However , total enrolment fell between 1980 and 1986 , suggesting that girls have had more opportunity to go to school under war conditions than boys .
6 Sometimes she does n't want to go to school at all . ’
7 Native Danuese kids — if their parents wanted them to go to school at all , and they were mostly I P big shots — had to study the principles of the malai constitution , bow to the flag , learn the kitchen malay which was the official language throughout the malai islands .
8 Is it really ? on the top there D d cos I suppose Amber has to go to school on Saturdays , does n't she ?
9 The number of times she had had to go to school with no knickers on was nobody 's business , she often told her husband .
10 These considerations can be a factor in deciding whether to provide an individually based integrated situation which gives the visually handicapped pupil the chance to go to school with neighbourhood children .
11 I always made sure my daughter had new clothes to go to school with like you know .
12 If I 'd have gone to the to the social services or er the D H S S and says to them , my daughter 's got to have a new uniform to go to school with because her self respect is gon na suffer if she does n't , they would n't have given be nothing .
13 Andy who I used to go to school with .
14 She tells me she does n't have to go to school after twelve .
15 ‘ Be careful not to wake the crowd that has to go to school in the morning . ’
16 The three who had to go to school in the morning went to bed .
17 It is n't easy to change : one day to go to school in casual clothes , the next to go with your head covered .
18 Simon started to go to school in the same year .
19 On that first day I had little thought to spare for Parma itself , but gradually I came to realize how fortunate I was to go to school in a city that was both beautiful and intensely interesting .
20 I was lucky to be able to go to school in Parma and not spend all my life in Fontanellato , which was the fate of many ; and on the whole my schooldays were enjoyable .
21 I continued to go to school in Parma and life there seemed very uneventful too .
22 He claims he had no chance to go to school in his home town , Ethiopian-occupied Asmara .
23 Possibly it was when she 'd said how much she 'd like to go to school in Vienna and learn how to dance .
24 And who wants to go to school in Hammersmith when you can live in the East End ?
25 When we used to go to school in the morning I used to have to lift the bonnet up to see if she
26 One of the things that I think is most unfortunate is that parents sometimes say to their youngsters ‘ You need to go to school in order to learn how to behave ’ .
27 I 'm sorry mummy had to rush us so much this morning it 's just when we 're in a rush we have to get to school on time you see , it 's a bit rotten when you 're only three is n't it ?
28 Well , half fiveish normally , cos because you had to make your own round up , mark the papers and then , say , six o'clock and it lasted possibly three hours , you just in time for you to get to school for probably ten past nine .
29 The young person who , unfortunately , reaches the age of 16 after July 2 has now to return to school for another year and will be almost 17 years of age whenever they leave .
30 We used to return to school at half-past one in the afternoons and precisely at 1.32p.m .
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