Example sentences of "[to-vb] to [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The society now plans to write to Durham County Council for a grant .
2 If you 'd like one of the wall charts , which give useful hints , tips and cooking times , you can get one free if you are one of the first 100 readers to write to Prestige Pressure Cooker Wallchart Offer , Film House , 142 Wardour St , London W1V 3AU , enclosing sae .
3 Would n't the right thing be to write to London Transport withdrawing the complaint , and send a friendly letter to the conductor himself explaining the meaning of ‘ Ms ’ and asking his tolerance for opinions differing from his own ?
4 If you 're a club secretary and if you have n't received your invitation you are running out of time to write to Aquachamp Contest , note address omitted
5 Mr Palios advised anyone who had paid deposits or paid for uncompleted work on credit to write to Cork Gully at 6 Minshull Street , Manchester .
6 Ask your Brown Owl to write to Acorn Marketing Limited or ring them on .
7 We have 250 copies to give away to the first readers to write to Noilly Prat Booklet Offer , .
8 I was asked to write to Wyre Borough Council about this and I enclose a copy of the letter I sent .
9 The council agreed that it is a matter for concern that the rates have increased by so much and I have been asked to write to Wyre Borough Council about this and to ask if they would consider paying the whole of the rates for public halls in rural areas as I understand some District Councils do .
10 Mr Collin has been urged by councillors to write to Darlington MP Michael Fallon and make him aware of the collection problems faced by the council .
11 Hartlepool 's Conservative candidate Graham Robb intends to write to borough council chief executive Brian Dinsdale to find out if poll tax payers ' money was spent on a cabaret show to mark International Women 's Day .
12 Mr Straw is to write to Transport Secretary John MacGregor urging a probe to discover why the vandals were n't spotted and whether cash cuts were to blame .
13 GREENPEACE members are being urged to write to chemicals manufacturer ICI , saying they will not buy Dulux paints until the group stops making chlorofluorocarbons , or CFCs .
14 Wh what I 'd like to suggest , without going through it all again , is that perhaps we could agree to ask the Town Clerk to write to Planning Department and voice our concern at the way this matter is being handled .
15 Mother asked him to come to Sunday lunch and he made some awful speech about not assuming , or something . ’
16 Leslie was able to come to Wolverton Manor once or twice , and Wendy accommodatingly moved in with Charmian .
17 But you 've all got your reasons to come to Abbey Life , and you 've all objectives , but objectives are personal , and should be personal .
18 ‘ It just said : ‘ Are you mature , are you over 25 , have you studied recently and would you like to come to Oxford University ? ’ , ’
19 So , when Mr Goodman enquired about him , George was eager to come to Selhurst Park and most Palace historians agree that , had he done so even a month before the end of 1924–25 , the Palace would never have been relegated from Division Two .
20 Store soft cheese for a short while in the least cool part of the refrigerator — the salad try is ideal and allow them to come to room temperature for at least 30 minutes before serving .
21 Allow to come to room temperature ( about 20sec ) then , using a stripping knife ( used for decorating ) , push into and along the chocolate , moving the knife from left to right to form waves .
22 Never serve cheese cold , take it out of the fridge at least one hour before it is needed and allow it to come to room temperature still wrapped .
23 The proposal that drama somehow became more sophisticated with an interest in psychology adopted by Shakespeare and Jacobean dramatists is to come to Renaissance drama with a presumption that literary sophistication is the representation of psychological interiority , a view largely derived from the centrality of late nineteenth and early twentieth century novels within a reading experience .
24 The persistently troublesome problems and the large spot discharges are the pollutions which are likely to come to agency attention .
25 It 's called the Denman 's Summer Festival Focus on Europe , and , do n't miss the exciting chance to come to Denman College during the Denman Summer Festival , when we should be celebrating the closer coming together of the European commu Community .
26 The library , with its vague connection with academic work , can hold little attraction for a student struggling to adjust to university life ’ .
27 While acknowledging that Sun has a ‘ big PR problem , ’ it thinks the few cranky customers threatening to jump to Hewlett-Packard Co do n't represent a trend .
28 Psychiatrists studying shopping behaviour have found — not surprisingly — that the hungry woman is much more inclined to succumb to impulse food buys .
29 During the surface interval , the fly time screen displays one of four sets of information : Warning/do not fly for … hrs … mins ; safe to fly/time to tissue desat … hrs … mins ; safe to fly/tissues desaturated ; and , should a decompression incident have occurred : Warning/do not fly .
30 We thus had what Sorge et al. termed a polarised and differentiated system ( 1983 , 162 ) with the shop-floor and direct production functions having to relate to management supervision , maintenance , preparatory and planning functions , and technical design and development , who each gave instructions and advice from their staff positions .
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