Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I ran back to the girl , there were a couple of railwaymen on their way to work and another policeman carrying her to the Out-patients .
2 You spend less time searching for a place to work and more time actually working .
3 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , you may keep your door closed and not answer when I ring the bell , you may refuse to answer my letters or return my calls when I leave a message on your answering machine , but sooner or later we are bound to meet and this time I will not let you fob me off with a smile .
4 One was the philosophic opposition of the Right-to-Life groups in this country ; and they said that this was a foot in the door , the first step down the road towards active and involuntary euthanasia , and we had that argument to counter and that group to deal with , and even after countering the argument , we still had the group to deal with .
5 If quality control is up to scratch and this kind of general finish is maintained throughout the range , then I would not hesitate in recommending a Rockwood to anyone looking for a good , all-round , budget guitar .
6 She was bone-weary from a day 's back-breaking labour , but it was essential that she finish what she was writing , for she had a deadline to reach and that deadline was the day after tomorrow , her half-day , and she had barely begun her task .
7 I just hope we get the right result and have something to celebrate and another game to look forward too .
8 Any instructions to counsel and any opinion of counsel ( whether or not in connection with any proceedings ) and any advice received , information obtained or action to be taken in connection with —
9 And then this went down the barrel and you know , hit whatever it wanted to hit and each shot cost a thousand pounds !
10 Sponsorship should of course be the icing on the cake , there should be enough in , in competition in regattas and themselves but people are interested enough to go and to support and that sponsorship actually allows you to do things that you would n't have been able to do otherwise .
11 On most farms the division of labour has not reached anything like the level of most factories and there is a wider variety of jobs to perform and more job rotation . ’
12 ‘ I was concerned the stock market would continue to fall and that recovery would be sometime away .
13 while you 're still able sort of comfortably to drive and that sort of thing , I mean if you put it that way and you 'll be saying anyway she 's my er she 's my only living
14 The woman confirmed she would be pleased to help and this time looked as though she meant what she said .
15 Colours again are important as all decarbonisers are hazardous to handle and some sort of warning label is appropriate .
16 Very graphical , easy to use and all jargon is explained in detail .
17 They put you to sleep and this clicking continues
18 This is not an easy dilemma to resolve and most community education projects have sought to provide both types of education based usually on a liberal , reformist view of education and social change .
19 It was just why I 'm I mean wi the last meeting we had , took me sort of three pages to write what we 've got to do and each item that we 've got to do is sort of a couple of sheets of A four .
20 A squat Nuremberg bowl for the centrepiece and eight or ten specimen glasses of the same ware to be filled with orange carnations and silver grasses , each guest 's place was to have a boutonnière to match and each finger bowl a floating full-blown orange carnation plus a few drops of orange flower water .
21 You 've got ta give yourself that time to react and that room to manoeuvre .
22 ‘ Many of us do find it difficult to relax and that kind of thing .
23 If expectations of the general level of prices rose to some level between P and P 2 then there would be some stimulus to output and some rise in prices .
24 They 're relatively heavy , take longer to dry and some pocket seams were not properly finished — but they remain a much better bet for walking than non-specialist alternatives .
25 So I tried half heartedly to diet and each week put the results to the test .
26 You also write out of the realisation that the world you know is going to end and this sense relates directly to my response to my mother 's death .
27 There 's a price to pay and this region is paying it .
28 We have the same worries and difficulties as you do here and , if there is more money involved , there are more wages to pay and more stock to buy . ’
29 I was wounded in a demonstration and had to retire from political activities for a while to recuperate and another member was killed in the massacre , when the security forces dislodged the peaceful occupation of the Venezuelan Embassy .
30 ‘ As compared with fifty , or even twenty years ago , ’ it was said that ‘ children have much more money to spend and more inducement to spend it ’ which led to ‘ that ‘ something for nothing ’ ’ philosophy which , we are told , has become much more prevalent since the advent of the welfare state' .
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