Example sentences of "[to-vb] in [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 William Bellows , who was taken by Edmund Gosse to meet Hardy in June 1927 , reported Florence as saying : ‘ My husband used to write in this when sketching out the plots of his novels .
2 I am aware too that , in spite of other similarities , no amount of relating will allow me to converse in more than a most elementary way with a chimpanzee .
3 It was due to open in less than a week .
4 Was it possible , after all , that Vologsky could be primed to defect in less than a month ?
5 Disadvantages : Lack of volume , thus difficult to sail in all but strong winds .
6 One of their products was erm you , when you see in the cars th th that they can er make them open top and they close the backs down , there 's a bracket on the side that er hinges up and well they used to special you know , it had come from the landaus of the horse drawn vehicle , the same sort of thing , well they used to specialize in that and they used to make some kind of locks but I 'm I have never talked to anybody that worked there so I , I do n't know , but that 's the only other one as I , as I 'm aware of er was the , was Wilks 's and er Bloxwich Lock .
7 That was the third angry walkout in one biological day , and the second threat to resign in less than a bio-week .
8 Wives could have a very real part to play in this and in attending to the sick stock .
9 Paul 's verdict : its simplicity , low profile and good windshield made it a pleasure to use in less than ideal conditions .
10 We shall begin to see in this and the next five chapters that the evils and problems of modernity are of an intensity and subtlety unimaginable a mere two hundred years ago .
11 It is because primary schools are difficult to classify in any but the most general terms that the phrase ‘ mixed methods ’ is used to describe the practices found in the great majority of them .
12 It would be technically possible , for instance , to hold in less than 1 terabyte detailed information for every individual in the world , akin to that collected about everyone in the UK through the Census of Population .
13 You 'll have to cash in some and then buy more signed …
14 Those that had children struggled desperately to keep them within the state school system and also to see the frequent failures of others to succeed in this as being somehow a rather nasty disease , with compassion and sorrow the appropriate response , rather than the fierce bell-like anger they would all have produced reflexively only ten years before .
15 The actual distance covered will probably be no more than 2 feet , so it is necessary to respond in less than a quarter of a second in order to avoid being struck .
16 Shamir said that he regretted the US decision , but that Israel could not , under any circumstances , " go along with the principle that Jews have no right to live in this or that part of Greater Israel " .
17 When the present scheme goes , a new joint rail industry scheme will succeed it and workers will have the right to stay in that as long as they are in the industry .
18 Mr Strouthos can offer hope to the empty souls and draw his magic circle of exclusion where he wants and the rest of us are free to disbelieve in any or all of his wares .
19 He seemed to imply in this that even if the covenantor had not previously enjoyed a certain freedom then the restraint of trade doctrine might still apply if he is , as a result of the restraint , under a positive duty to do something which restricts his current freedom .
20 He can , of course , also make a payment into court , but the difficulties of calculating it are obvious and he would probably have to pay in more than the value of the claim for immediate damages to tempt the plaintiff .
21 Rory shook her head , finding it hard to take in all that he was telling her .
22 All the time he is encouraged to dabble in this or that to no lasting effect and the relief that such an MP feels when given an actual job , a place to go from 9 a.m. onwards with a definite task to perform , something to do which stretches his capacity more than drinking tea , gossiping and writing letters , is enormous .
23 It is not possible to forecast in more than very general terms what the job opportunities will be in three or four years ' time .
24 I shall continue to speak in these and the more ordinary ways of the things in question , but it will be at least economical to have a single wholly general term for all of them .
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