Example sentences of "[to-vb] in [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 After the series in Australia , Mike Brearley announced that he would not be able to tour in 1980–1 as he wanted to continue his studies in psychoanalysis , and the England selectors decided to appoint a new captain for the start of the 1980 rubber .
2 They were sufficiently impressed by his abilities to request in 1829 that he be relieved of his military duties and appointed president of the council of government on the Gold Coast .
3 ‘ You wanted to know in general where it 's destined for ? ’ the American asks .
4 ‘ I was going to have an early night but I wo n't bother if you 're going to come in pissed and play your Little Feat LPs around midnight . ’
5 yeah , I 'm going to go back into my bedroom and Neil can still use the ensuite shower cos he 's got the tip of the idea that he 's got to come in clothed and knock on the door cos last time I was in my bedroom he asked if he could use the shower , situation he 'd you know , and I 'd let him after all , it 's not as though my be , there 's a door between my bedroom and the
6 Think later , be about five o'clock or quarter to five , or something like that depends when it 's on , have to come in early if they want to have it with us .
7 They should also have opportunities to write in aesthetic and imaginative ways .
8 They should have continuing opportunities to write in aesthetic and imaginative ways .
9 William Bellows , who was taken by Edmund Gosse to meet Hardy in June 1927 , reported Florence as saying : ‘ My husband used to write in this when sketching out the plots of his novels .
10 Sometimes such problems are tackled by putting the students to work in twos and threes , so that good readers can help the slower ones ; in the case of fairly lengthy work-cards , where more explanation is given , it is also helpful to record the text on a cassette , which the slower reader can listen to with the words before him , increasing his familiarity with the written word at the same time as giving him the information that he needs .
11 Is it that institutions have to prepare people to work in traditional as well as up-to-date professional settings , and so can not afford to be too ‘ progressive ’ ?
12 I have a close friend in Croatia who is a professional social worker with excellent English and a doctorate qualification who wants to work in residential or day services or something similar in the UK .
13 Within the file it is common to work in chronological or reverse chronological order within sections such as client correspondence , party and party , financial transactions and pleadings .
14 Didier Pironi told me they were about to leave the circuit for a hotel to meet in private where they could not be coerced by their bosses and , as it happens , along with a half-dozen other early colleagues , my car was well placed to follow the bus as it drove off .
15 In view of the history of rural housing it was therefore somewhat ironic to find in 1976 that changes to the tied cottage legislation were opposed by the farmers ' lobby on the grounds that there were insufficient safeguards against local authorities refusing to meet their housing responsibilities !
16 And what 's more , it 's fairly easy to find in dozens and dozens of Britain 's streams and rivers .
17 Our Canadian business , which underwent an organisational restructuring the previous year , was able to benefit in 1992 and both drystone and coated tonnages were significantly higher enabling the business to offset price weakness in the marketplace and exceed its budget .
18 He took out a licence to train in 1976 and is based at Saxon Lodge Stables in Upper Lambourn .
19 The indispensable starting point is the annual International Bibliography of Historical Sciences which began to appear in 1930 and is now published at Paris with the assistance of UNESCO .
20 He tried to slip in unnoticed but it was too late .
21 I had hoped to slip in unnoticed but , almost as soon as I booked in the hotel , I was isolated by a dusk to dawn curfew .
22 Yesterday , the Latvian parliament confirmed it would stick to a plan to introduce minimum five and 10-year residence requirements for candidates wishing to stand in local and republican elections .
23 Yesterday , the Latvian parliament confirmed it would stick to a plan to introduce minimum five and 10-year residence requirements for candidates wishing to stand in local and republican elections .
24 Large as these numbers are , they are not large enough to account for all the particles that we seem to observe in strong and weak interactions .
25 Mrs Thatcher had been constrained to observe in 1982 that the NHS was ‘ safe ’ with her .
26 Normal scientists begin to engage in philosophical and metaphysical disputes and try to defend their innovations , of dubious status from the point of view of the paradigm , by philosophical arguments .
27 The illusion of permanence and stability fostered during classical periods frequently leads the writer/intellectual astray , tempting him/her to engage in narcissistic and uncritical self-contemplation rather than engaging in social and political debate .
28 To make a claim is to articulate a public statement that one has ‘ reasons or grounds that put one in a position to engage in performative and propositional claiming ’ .
29 However , those farmers who are more exclusively business-oriented — the agribusinessmen and active managerials — and are less concerned about village affairs , may have been somewhat relieved to find that the village population no longer expects them to engage in time-consuming and tedious parochial administration .
30 Others looked back further in time , perhaps to the late-Victorian era , with the long-term failure to invest , to engage in industrial or technical training , to develop new industries , or perhaps to create an industrial or business-minded culture at all .
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