Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [adj] things " in BNC.

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1 3.14 There is a head of damage which is sometimes called the loss of amenities ; the man made blind by the accident will no longer be able to see the familiar things he has seen all his life ; the man who has had both legs removed and will never again go upon his walking excursions — things of that kind — loss of amenities ( per Birkett LJ in Manley v Rugby Portland Cement Co Ltd , a decision of the Court of Appeal in 1951 ) .
2 Let's be honest , I did n't wan na see good sections , I wan na see strong sections , I wan na see vibrant sections , but I also want to see the truth in those documents when it comes back afterwards , so I 'm disappointed on this issue and er I hope something in future will be done about to report the real things that we discussed at conference as well .
3 But we believe that company car drivers should be able to enjoy the finer things in life without being taxed to the hilt .
4 I talked to the lady for some time and we seemed to like the same things , so I was pleased when their bid was the successful one .
5 to include the other things that we 've done , so all I 'm
6 Amaury de Craon wrote to Edward II from Sablé in November 1323 telling him that the ‘ great uneasiness of heart that I feel as a result of the dispute between you and your brother the king of France , our lord , and a desire to find ways , according to my humble ability , to prevent it , has emboldened me to write the following things ’ .
7 If a child has been made the subject of a supervision requirement following a referral to a children 's hearing on an offence ground , and that supervision requirement has been terminated and the child reappears before another children 's hearing , the main factors that the later hearing will need to consider to perform their statutory functions are why the child appeared before a children 's hearing , the reasons for that hearing 's disposal and , most particularly , the child 's response to the disposal ; in short , a children 's hearing would want to know the very things section 4 appears to prevent it ascertaining .
8 She could n't bear to remember the dreadful things she had said that day , any more than she could think about what was happening to Maggie now .
9 Erm , right , the , what I 'd like you to if you can , is to open the yellow things up please .
10 To cover the ad , to cover the ad-hoc things .
11 I it 's to cover the other things like doing the book keeping ,
12 And then of course , when she came into the village to buy the few things they need — it is astonishing how modest Mr Swinton 's needs seem to be , she hardly buys any comforts at all but I gather his man is an excellent gardener and they keep a pig for bacon — ’
13 Notebooks out plagiarists while I reveal the secret of NME 's enduring success : some music papers have been good at treating Rock as An Art Form , others have been great at capturing the essential triviality , sensuality and sheer stupidity of pop ; NME , when it 's been at its best , has managed to combine the two things without going stark staring schizo-bonkers .
14 If you force people to choose between a family and a job I suppose , you know , women lots of women choose the family erm the only way women will achieve more educationally is to be able to combine the two things and not always have to make these crippling decisions and choices between two things which most human beings want , so there is a lot of money being spent on research into sex inequality and so on , and that 's encouraging , but I think it 's being spent in slightly the wrong way and I think there 's a tendency to evade the crucial issues which are , of course , rather deep social issues about the organization of the family and work and they take a lot of changing , so I am ambivalent about that one .
15 Are we not allowed to use the same things twice ?
16 So And do n't forget to put the good things and what are the very good things .
17 The problem for the hungry animal is to distinguish the former from the latter , and only to put the edible things in its mouth .
18 You have to do the right things . ’
19 By 1984 he plucked up the courage ( or obtained the permission ) to do the two things he really wanted : make wine from Pinot Gris ( originally a Burgundian grape ) as a Burgundian would , fermenting and maturing it in ( partly new ) French oak barriques ; and stop filtering his dry white wines .
20 There is only limited opportunity , in effect , to break the patterned nature of their work if field men are to do the other things required of them .
21 We were given tasks , but then the tasks had been given to certain people like yourself , starting to want to do the other things , that other people were doing , and then everybody wanted to do instead of doing the tasks that they were set .
22 ‘ I 'm definitely less stressed because I do n't have to do the four things I was no good at — timesheets , billing , chasing debtors and doing my expenses ! ’
23 When we get out , I 'm going to do the following things .
24 In furtherance of the Object the Society is empowered to do the following things : —
25 In furtherance of the Object the Society is empowered to do the following things : —
26 In its place there stands a new Ballistic Missile Defence Organisation which employs the same people to do the same things with the same money — $1.8 billion requested for the next year .
27 It 's the monotony I do n't like — it 's repetitive and you have to do the same things each day .
28 Erm that the time has now come to accept that we do have to do the same things and it has to be in black and white and it has to be E E C wide .
29 Not quite a woman — because I wanted to do things with Gittel that only a man was supposed to want to do ; not quite a man — because I wanted Gittel to do the same things back to me . ’
30 We can not all , as it already been emphasised by the last speaker we may not all be able to do the same things we have not all got the same gifts or the same responsibilities er within the church but you all have the same responsibilities in this light of God .
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