Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Using some scraps of board , it is worth experimenting with exposure times to optimise the UV time period .
2 And he 's also managed to sneak in some live music from Mary Chapin Carpenter , who 's been touring Scotland this week and is about to hit the big time .
3 I am learning all the time and I feel I am ready to hit the big time . ’
4 no , so we did n't have an invite I know , I mean normally I 'm taken every year you know , there , to see the old time musical which is great and I look forward to that but cos I did n't get , get there and I love going to Leah Manning as I say we have dancing there on a Wednesday afternoon it 's great , I enjoy it ever so much and I meet all my friends there that I have n't seen for years , you know , that I used to go to clubs with and they 've all arrived there now you know it 's great to see them , I thoroughly enjoy it .
5 ‘ I think a real friend is someone you do n't have to see the whole time .
6 You are also like to feel more confident and able to cope the second time around .
7 Sponsors and guests were invited to estimate the exact time of the flight of the Haggis from the Sandford Hotel , Fife to The Savoy .
8 Building reusable code can take more time initially , so it has to make good business sense to invest the extra time on a particular object .
9 As i want to be certain of something , I need to know the prime time to apply , to be sure of getting something I suppose .
10 The retailer needs to know the best time to advertise seasonal goods — eg camping equipment will be promoted in the spring , ready for the summer .
11 The retailer needs to know the best time to advertise … goods .
12 It was not difficult for Laura to remember the first time she had set eyes on Ross Wyndham , because it had also been the day of her cousin 's wedding .
13 Finally as some transfers , in particular ‘ bulk ’ may be rather time consuming , the LIFESPAN Manager has the ability to restrict the elapsed time over which LIFESPAN RDBI runs .
14 He also emphasizes that the chief executive should take into account the power structure of the organization , be careful to choose the right time to promote initiatives , and , in particular , avoid committing himself publicly to a specific objective or action until he knows that it is definitely what he wants and that he can get the support .
15 Yes , there 's definitely there some proving , mind you , you 'll have to pick the right time of day , do you know what I mean ?
16 I admired what he was doing with his life from afar and I put the museum on my list of places to experience the next time I was in the Miami area .
17 However , the usual arrangement is to combine the three time constants in a single network and the alternative types are shown in Fig 3 , two of which are suitable for a passive circuit whilst the others can be used in a feedback circuit because their impedance overall varies in accordance with the R.I.A.A. requirements .
18 This means that the organisation of the units will have to be established in order to gauge the available time .
19 B : [ pragmatically interpreted particle ] the milkman came at some time prior to the time of speaking Yet it is clear to native speakers that what would ordinarily be communicated by such an exchange involves considerably more , along the lines of the italicized material in ( 3 ) : ( 3 ) A : Do you have the ability to tell me the time of the present moment , as standardly indicated on a watch , and if so please do so tell me B : No I do n't know the exact time of the present moment , but I can provide some information from which you may be able to deduce the approximate time , namely the milkman has come ( see R. Lakoff , 1973a ; Smith & Wilson , 1979 : 172ff for a discussion of such examples ) .
20 DAMON HILL beat off a string of top Formula One drivers , including new Williams-Renault team-mate Alain Prost , to record the fastest time in testing at France 's Signes circuit .
21 Throughout the Sixties various means were employed to give the cast time off , though not normally for longer than one week at a time .
22 His reward for helping to fix the broken-down Time Machine is to travel to a time of his choice .
23 In February '91 Tony started an essay on Arafat , ‘ I hooked up with him on two different occasions , over the course of a couple months , trying to do a photo-essay on him ; which was probably the most ridiculous thing to do the first time out of the box for a while — talk about a third-rate Keystone kops movie , with me as the star ! ’
24 er course work to do the whole time .
25 The England manager is a slave to slip catching practice , difficult though it is to recall the last time one of his bowlers located an outside edge .
26 I said that the " genetic ruler " of Figure 8 enables us to calculate the minimum time it would take to evolve from one point to another .
27 Designed for the latitude of a particular place , its most important use was to determine the precise time of day or night from an observation of the altitude of the sun or one of the stars mapped on the rete , but of course by modern standards the result was not very accurate .
28 Thus even here we may want to reduce the total time required to record the spectrum .
29 We welcome the proposal to reduce the statutory time limit on all existing and future permissions which we believe is essential if minerals operations are to be brought up to and maintained at modern standards or reviewed to assess whether they should be extinguished because the environmental costs of working is too high .
30 The primary purpose was to reduce the costly time spent on oral argument in so far as that was not necessary for the proper determination fo the appeal .
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