Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 At best the existence of some checks and balances , or statutory tripwires , may serve to alert the wary as to how things are moving .
2 By Lesson 27 the speed had dropped to 87rpm , the speed I had to use to get the voice to sound the same as Lesson 1 .
3 There 's a good painkiller in those and there 's the stuff to scatter the bruising as well .
4 Also if the focus is on an ability to communicate then it is better to be able to see the visual as well as the aural aspects of the interaction .
5 She also talked of naked greed , although it takes a curious kind of logic to see the deprived as greedy while company directors were awarding themselves large pay increases and the ‘ yuppies ’ in the city were making a great deal of money and spending it as conspicuously as possible .
6 It was considered that to focus on penetration would be to continue to emphasise the sexual as against the violent aspects of the offence .
7 Broadly , however , it tended to emphasise the natural as against the artificial , the spontaneous as against the imposed , experience and emotion as against cold rationality , inwardness and imagination as against the outward and formal .
8 It allows an early and full account to be recorded before the child 's memory fades ; reduces the chance of parents or other interested adults influencing what the child says ; removes the need for a succession of professional people to probe at length and in detail the traumatic experiences of the child ; exposes any leading questions made the interviewers ; and allows people to observe the non-verbal as well as the verbal messages the child wants to make .
9 However , the concept can be extended to cover the external as well as the internal managerial labour market , and for present purposes this is the more important aspect .
10 Social workers were trained to perceive the psychological as well as the practical problems facing the disabled .
11 The buildings will all look the same , the same companies will sell the same goods in all their shops , the people , apart from trivial physical differences and , possibly , their own languages , will all aspire to the same condition of affluence and to look the same as everybody else .
12 Irwin had a marvellous year last time and will be keen to win the Regal as will Derek Young , another rider who could look back on 1992 with a great deal of satisfaction .
13 The temptation was that the churches ' social work , begun as a way to win the unchurched as well as to help them physically , would cease being the means and instead become the end .
14 The time of youth in all creatures is a time for exercising and learning to use the mental as well as physical apparatus with which they have been born , of trying out their preprogrammed patterns .
15 ‘ I 've come to use the fair as promotion , and I think everyone is returning to this idea after the end of the bonanza period . ’
16 A deaf therapist said : ‘ They felt that if I wanted to be on the course , I 'd got to manage the same as everyone else .
17 And perhaps I should have been , because I wanted to do the other as well . ’
18 Offer a challenge to someone to do the same as you .
19 ‘ You 'll all have to do the same as me and put down the date and see , but if yer want ter know it 's the first of May . ’
20 ‘ The perfect solution for him is to do the same as Tom Goddard .
21 Such success for developing countries is not always the case , even in the same industry ; Bolivia has had a sorry experience in trying to do the same as its Eastern rivals , but has suffered from a critical lack of expertise .
22 I only wish I had the courage to do the same as her .
23 It 's bad enough having to take out a loan to get married , I sometimes wonder if I need to do the same as a bridesmaid !
24 My ‘ failure ’ to do the same as her did n't matter any more .
25 We look to the British car manufacturing industry and its European counterparts to do the same as quickly as possible .
26 I agree the West must not support such despots by arming them to the teeth , but one thing the war did show was that if any other would-be adventurist in the Middle East tries to do the same as Saddam , he knows what to expect . .
27 In order to explain latent inhibition in terms of the habituation of the OR it is clearly necessary to interpret the latter as being some central response , the evocation of which is necessary for speedy conditioning .
28 I disagree with the idea that someone on my salary should be asked to contribute the same as the person next door , who is probably earning only half as much .
29 We have to consider the economic as well as the artistic aspect , ’ he said .
30 By specifying the operations that can be performed on each data object , the object-oriented approach attempts to model the dynamic as well as static aspects of the world being modelled .
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