Example sentences of "[to-vb] the information [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So , what 's the reluctance to publicize the information we want ?
2 Reasonably enough , princes required to be taught how to make war , and since many of the authors of these works were clerics , they turned to what were the standard handbooks on war to find the information they needed .
3 In order to be able to find the information you want , the information has to be organised in some way .
4 The system protects guests and deters thieves by enabling the management to obtain the information they need to investigate illegal entries into guest rooms .
5 Could a man feign desire to obtain the information he wanted ?
6 No public inquiry report has yet been written in the ICAO format , making it difficult for researchers into air safety matters to extract the information they are looking for .
7 Somehow she has to try to extract the information she wants from the information she gets .
8 The children then have to evaluate the information they have , and they should be able to use a variety of criteria to judge the truth , relevance and status of the information they find .
9 Or , does the scientist know first , what he or she is looking for , in order then , to select the information he or she needs .
10 No , the problem which really preoccupied him , which he kept returning to from one direction after another , and one in which he never seemed to make headway , was how to use the information he had to bring the conflict between Copt and Moslem to an end .
11 This makes it hard to use the information it provides constructively .
12 An information gap is created and in order to tell the complete story , groups need to share the information they have .
13 She did not know how good his contacts were , whether he had sufficient grasp of the art world to interpret the information he might uncover .
14 To draw a pie chart you first need to convert the information you want to present into percentages ( as you did with your personal budget on page 148 ) .
15 Hitherto such emphasis and recognition have not been current , nor , I believe , has there been sufficiently widespread recognition of the need to spread the information we have to those who should use it — it may therefore be appropriate to end this chapter with a few rude questions .
16 She must brave the only place likely to have the information she wanted .
17 What we are doing is providing information for perhaps clinicians to act on , we also in the future hope to develop the information we have into something useful , and in some cases the information we have already .
18 At the end of it all , the journalists are free to report what they have been told without question , they may seek to check the information they have been given with other sources or use it as background on a later occasion .
19 If you need advice on a product before you buy or could use some helpful advice then contact the PRACTICAL PC JOBFILE — the easiest way to get the information you need .
20 How the hell was he going to get the information he required from her with the conductor prattling about ?
21 In Ventura is it always worth having a completely blank style sheet — except for Body Text , that is — because if anything goes wrong and you need to recover the information you can simply change the style sheet to this blank one .
22 He stopped all experimentation at this stage to examine the information he had gathered so far .
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