Example sentences of "[to-vb] the thing [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For all that the Government is making a bit of er er idiot of itself by not embracing the things that it needs to embrace the things it needs to do , at least it 's saying that it wo n't do them .
2 We want Annabelle and Steven to enjoy the things we never had , not to take them for granted , but to appreciate how lucky they are to be able to celebrate like this surrounded by their families and friends .
3 God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change , the courage to change the things I can , And the wisdom to know the difference .
4 [ Others ] do n't want to know the things you want to know , see the things you want to see …
5 Try to remember the things you 've learned from this poem until you do the next exercise when you will have the opportunity to transform the knowledge into something uniquely your own .
6 Why ca n't people accept things for what they are rather than going all out to destroy the things they do n't agree with ?
7 Ha the information that we 've put out so far were our second reprint of the er of the black booklet of which there 'll be twelve thousand , they are quite an expensive item and , but our feeling was that er in order to sell the thing you 've got to do it properly and er spending money does n't come easily but er er in order to market the thing er thought that was the , the way to go and we 've done other things , stickers and badges and posters and so on and so forth , the normal sort of things but we 've really tried to spread these around the country and get the message that it 's a vibrant young er interesting fun thing to be involved in for young people .
8 But that is n't always the incentive that drives the do-it-yourself home builder : it can also mean being able to afford the things you really want .
9 In a personal comparison with an American carpet factory , it is good to hear the things they say about us !
10 I have no right to expect the things I ask — even a kind word … ‘
11 Then she sent Nara to fetch the things she would need : a piece of rope the length of the space between her hands when she held out her arms ; a supple willow twig , the length of the space between Nara 's hands : a sprig of the dā telo bush in flower : and some wheat flour and tobacco for her own payment .
12 Use a red pencil to underline the things you think are not so good for you and should be restricted .
13 Truman once said he was asked what the job of the presidency involved and Truman once said I sit here all day trying to persuade people to do the things they ought to have the sense to do without my persuading them .
14 You have to persuade people and persuasion is a constant process and so Clinton is permanently engaged in persuading people to do the things they ought to have the sense to do without him persuading them .
15 People can not afford to do the things they want to do in space .
16 While a certain amount of stress can be positive — it provides energy which enables us to do the things we want to do — it only becomes a problem if it develops into distress .
17 Somehow I feel as if it were purer — certainly it would be honester- ‘ to do the thing we fear ’ .
18 Dare to do the thing you chose as being the most important .
19 By placing this successful scene in your mind you will automatically begin to recall the things you enjoyed about that section of your life .
20 It is in fact all oil , but for trying to understand the thing it 's better to try and break it down if we can , and that 's what 's being done here .
21 Pockets on a rucksack need to be large enough to hold the things you want to put in them !
22 Emily felt a sudden anger at the way her home was being violated , how could she bear to have the things she 'd held dear being haggled over like so much rubbish ?
23 When we feel lack of status it is easy to cling to our hard luck stories about how totally powerless we are to change the things we 'd like to change .
24 God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change , the courage to change the things I can , And the wisdom to know the difference .
25 Is a certain situation or a certain person tempting you to eat the things you do not really want ?
26 It 's difficult for Black people to get the things they need in prison .
27 ‘ He asked me if I could help and I said I could but , to be honest , I do n't know how easy it will be to get the things they need .
28 If people have not had the chance to say the things they wanted to say then the sense of unfinished business can be overwhelming .
29 And you 've struggled enormously to achieve the things you have , although you are still suffering .
30 I love my country and my token is to make the thing I love strong .
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