Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 By Lesson 27 the speed had dropped to 87rpm , the speed I had to use to get the voice to sound the same as Lesson 1 .
2 Some things needed to change , but some needed to remain the same and I usually found myself in this place pulling at the forces of change as a child might pull at the reins of a runaway horse .
3 If you wish to venture northwards you can discover beaches , such as Cala Vinas , a bustling resort 3km away , and see the luxurious villas of the rich and famous who come here to sample the many and varied pleasures on offer .
4 To say that the other can remain absolutely other , that he enters only into the relationship of conversation , is to say that history itself , an identification of the same , can not claim to totalise the same and the other .
5 Unfortunately , we had just missed the 1400 steam departure from Butterley but most of us took the footpath to Swanwick Junction , the main museum site , to view the many and varied locomotives and other items that spanned a large period of railway history .
6 In other words , the universe would have to behave the same if one replaced particles by antiparticles , took the mirror image , and also reversed the direction of time .
7 He was advised by his teacher to choose the latter and it was suggested that he should go to Oxford and read chemistry .
8 Whereas identification of an E may quite easily be aided by the introduction of a P actually applicable to a different E , to claim completeness of an E and a P when the latter neither helps to identify the former nor is applicable to it is to leave us with a construction which does nothing coherent at all .
9 7.1 Each of the Parties agrees during the term of this Agreement not to participate in any project which competes with the Project or which is designed to fulfil the same or similar objects .
10 When we looked at the Telegraph and the Times things seem so samey , there 's just this uniform effect everything seeming to look the same whereas here they 've really used such a variety of styles the curly , the straight , the blocked plus your black blocks across the bottom .
11 Although many London pubs seemed to look the same when he first walked in , Dexter enjoyed collating the differences that set one apart from another .
12 The buildings will all look the same , the same companies will sell the same goods in all their shops , the people , apart from trivial physical differences and , possibly , their own languages , will all aspire to the same condition of affluence and to look the same as everybody else .
13 A selection of excellent resource material was available to illustrate the many and varied schemes/programmes .
14 A deaf therapist said : ‘ They felt that if I wanted to be on the course , I 'd got to manage the same as everyone else .
15 So it is futile to try to define the homosexual sensibility according to the standards of conventional sensibility : first because the latter has sought to exclude the former ; second because , in retaliation , the former has often worked to undermine the latter and , in the process , challenged the very nature of the aesthetic , fashioning in the process new and sometimes oppositional mutations of it .
16 The conceptual requirements are to be clear and exact in our use of these and subsidiary terms , and to confront and seek to resolve the many and often contentious value issues which each of them raises .
17 He insisted that the least he could do would be to pay for the coffee , and he always tried to do the least that he could .
18 The other manufacturers are trying to do the same but I think some of them are a bit behind Rover and they 've got to catch up .
19 Now they are urging Widnes people to do the same after North West Water said the town was the best of 50 possible sites for a sludge incinerator .
20 They let it be known around school that they were collecting waste paper and asked the others to do the same so they could weigh it all in .
21 After a few polite words , Sophie was about to do the same when Giles said , ‘ Do n't go .
22 Marianne McCall might be hiding her true colours from the men , but it seemed she felt no need to do the same where Shae was concerned .
23 Although sections of electricity line near the Snowdonia National Park in North Wales had been undergrounded following a public outcry , there were no plans to do the same where the route skirted the North York Moors National Park .
24 Offer a challenge to someone to do the same as you .
25 ‘ You 'll all have to do the same as me and put down the date and see , but if yer want ter know it 's the first of May . ’
26 ‘ The perfect solution for him is to do the same as Tom Goddard .
27 Such success for developing countries is not always the case , even in the same industry ; Bolivia has had a sorry experience in trying to do the same as its Eastern rivals , but has suffered from a critical lack of expertise .
28 I only wish I had the courage to do the same as her .
29 It 's bad enough having to take out a loan to get married , I sometimes wonder if I need to do the same as a bridesmaid !
30 My ‘ failure ’ to do the same as her did n't matter any more .
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