Example sentences of "[to-vb] him [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 It was possible that the police would be able to provide him with some more samples of the suspect 's handwriting when they visited the lad 's place of work , but he did n't really need them .
2 She wanted to kiss him , to soften him , to diminish him in some way so that she felt safer , more human .
3 Out of the corner of my eye I noticed how the prioress kept sending him frowning glances at being ignored , interspersed with coy smiles in an attempt to provoke him into some loving conspiracy about the events of the previous night .
4 ‘ I have been waiting to pick him for some time but our form was not good and it was not easy on Dion living in hotels .
5 I tried to press him for some specifics , but he was n't saying much .
6 Occasionally two or three rooks would straggle up to mob him from some tree or tiny patch of parkland they were trying to protect but he was going strongly and the wind was giving him support and direction .
7 And we 've got to include him in some crime as soon as we can .
8 We 're all here to support him to some degree .
9 If a horse is being naughty then you have to punish him in some way — but do n't punish him if he does n't understand or is physically incapable of doing what you 've asked . ’
10 By Spain , Jackie was beginning to feel the first twinges of the ulcer which was to hamper him for some time and keep him out of racing properly — and out of Belgium altogether — until July .
11 The question seemed to amuse him in some way .
12 It was the question she had been screwing up her courage to ask him for some time , but Duro pretended he had n't heard , and turned away to talk to Dom Alfonso .
13 WHEN Country Member potters nervously into the paddock at Newbury today , the club regulars might feel inclined to dismiss him as some embarrassing visitor with straw in his hair .
14 Apart from anything else , she wanted to recompense him in some way , although she doubted he would accept a reward .
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