Example sentences of "[to-vb] into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He tosses a few slow jabs at several male heads , then for a couple of seconds allows his black , shiny Florsheims to blur into the patented Ali shuffle .
2 The effect of this is noticeable on people from hotter climates who have siestas ; they are able to work into the early hours of the morning without feeling fatigue .
3 Hampstead somewhere , he thought , and then he might take the opportunity to slip into the big library at Swiss Cottage …
4 AN Edinburgh independent boys ' school has become the first in Britain to plug into the French government 's prestigious new technology learning centre .
5 The Shah suggested , and the White House agreed , that the visit would provide a good chance for Carter to talk to King Hussein , whom both men wanted to encourage into the Israeli-Egyptian peace process .
6 Two years previously , a campaign to write into the Irish constitution the existing legislation criminalizing abortion had got under way under the name of the Pro-Life Amendment Campaign .
7 From Paris , Jean-Jacques Lebel wrote an obituary for the surrealist André Breton , beginning a relationship between the French semi-Situationist and the British underground press that was to persist into the following decade .
8 We needed to leap into the advanced education of the future .
9 Two of them managed to leap into the empty office as Jekub bowled past .
10 When I stood at the doorway , hesitating to dash into the pouring rain , I could see that the landscape had moved with the date .
11 Clearly the minister 's response is inefficient , it 's it 's quite inadequate and what is required is a much more positive stance from the minister , and can the minister tell us whether or not he will be , he will be giving the opportunity to mature entrants to the apprenticeship scheme so that people that have been thrown on the scrap heap over this last fifteen years will have an opportunity and can he tell us whether or not he 's had discussions with British Coal enterprise to allow miners that have been made redundant to come into the new apprenticeship scheme so that they will have new skills which will help them to get new jobs .
12 It was not surprising that even within the upper reaches of the Party discontent began to come into the open , or at least to be expressed clearly behind closed doors at meetings of the Central Committee or Council of Ministers .
13 ‘ Faced with the myriad opportunities for the concealment of fraudulent activities which companies and trusts provide , Parliament has given the Serious Fraud Office the power to call upon a suspected person to come into the open , and to disclose information which may incriminate him .
14 A RARE chance to launch into the glamorous word of modelling — and the opportunity to become a beauty queen — are both up for grabs .
15 Directors Share Protection provides for the shares of a director who dies to pass into the right hands .
16 The march was allowed by police to pass into the vast Manezh Square beside the Kremlin walls after it had overspilled the intended venue for its concluding rally , outside the Moscow city soviet building on Gorky Street , but a heavy police cordon prevented the marchers from entering nearby Red Square .
17 Therefore , the results of the current study may indicate that the tight junctions are functionally altered , thereby allowing PT-gliadin to pass into the intercellular space .
18 The explanation might be that a probable leak at the tight junction is relative , allowing only small molecules to pass into the intercellular space .
19 If the e-data is allowed to disappear into the black hole of technical obsolescence , then the writing of history will fall into the hands of the ideological warlords of the company handout , the national curriculum and the aggressive myths of ethnic purity and cultural uniformity .
20 At a time when it would have been altogether too easy to disappear into the exacting but ultimately limiting routine of grammar-school teaching , Alfred Cobban enlivened and enlarged my interest in scholarly work .
21 The FCC 's cleverly contrived technical contest may have helped accelerate the move to digital broadcasting , but that may not be of much help to the terrestrial TV broadcasters it had hoped to escort into the digital age , nor give much of an edge to American equipment makers .
22 I mentioned the incident at Land 's End and was told that it was not unusual for student pilots who dare to stray into the military areas to receive a safe wingtip and tail helicopter escort home , leaving the student a gibbering wreck long after returning to the club house .
23 The Second period is that which starts from the beginning of life and reaches onward to the time when the law of the survival of the fittest with its ruthlessness could no longer serve the aspirations towards increasing happiness that were beginning to creep into the dawning consciousness of primitive man .
24 She had found an opportunity to creep into the large saloon at the front downstairs , where in the gloom created by the velvet curtains drawn across the windows she had seen that the large and ugly old-fashioned Queen Anne furniture was shrouded in sheets .
25 During Elizabeth I 's prosperous reign , houses and brick kilns doubled in number , fashions travelled and , despite the anti-papist atmosphere , classical decoration from Italy and elsewhere began to creep into the English house , first on porches , then over windows , until by the end of the Jacobean era , the slow transition of the English house from Gothic to classical had begun .
26 He began to scratch into the soft earth beside the body , until after a time his claws scraped against something smooth and firm .
27 After departure of the 1620 to Sheffield , and depending on the good will of the driver , we managed to achieve many foot plate rides down to Wharf Lane and back as the train had to reverse into the down bay .
28 In the sixtieth minute he burst between Shepherd and Webb before drawing Shepherd before drawing Richardson from his goal to square the ball across the penalty area for Neil Owen to shoot into the empty net .
29 Grimacing in distaste , the Doctor lifted the man 's jacket aside to reach into the inside pocket , the flesh underneath giving way with the unnatural softness of rotting fruit .
30 What drove him to reach into the innermost part of his soul in search of the undiscovered ?
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