Example sentences of "[to-vb] out with the " in BNC.

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1 In this situation , the onus is on the band to sell all the tickets and to come out with the extra money .
2 The girls used to come out with the barrows and the people with the shops used to complain .
3 ‘ Rob prefers to come out with the complete picture in his mind , the game-plan mapped out .
4 IBM Corp is still not ready with a full scale disk array for its mainframes , but next week , the company is expected to come out with the new 3390-9 disk drives , offering three times the capacity of the 3390-3 — could be as much as 60Gb on the As , 100Gb on the Bs ( CI No 2,046 ) — but they will be somewhat slower than the existing ones : a new 3990 controller that will be able to talk to disks that do not exist yet is expected to follow later , probably in the autumn .
5 He was tempted to come out with the stuff about Michael and the IRA .
6 The hormone count was high at the Hereford Leisure Centre as a group of local women prepared to work out with the Chippendales .
7 ‘ He left it all to me to sort out with the planning department and I had to plead that we 'd lose him altogether if we made a problem . ’
8 He was to set out with the three French patrols , drive the hundred-odd miles to the Gabes Gap and pass through it as quickly as possible to create confusion in the enemy rear areas .
9 They may also know of people seeking work for a few hours or days per week , perhaps to help out with the garden , or heavier household tasks , or shopping .
10 He left the club in a financial purge at the end of 1954–55 but was invited back in 1969 to help out with the groundstaff .
11 One of the runners rushed into work on Saturdays to help out with the vast backlog of administrative chores on the understanding this might help his promotion prospects .
12 Of course , we do n't fall in love to help out with the world 's ego problem ; yet this is one of love 's surer effects .
13 Mm but who were the the people that used to help out with the dyking and ?
14 But you know you mentioned that people used to help out with the dogs .
15 He would n't mind going for a labourer , though there were n't that many jobs ; nor would he have minded going down to his uncle Henry Yaxlee 's yard to help out with the horses .
16 These families that left Wales to help out with the Tudor and all that .
17 Unfortunately those officers were needed to help out with the incident at Milton Keynes … shortly before the display .
18 Last night Richard Bond , 27 , was out with his float collecting milk money and gifts from people on his round who have agreed to help out with the appeal .
19 The Daughter looked as if she were ready to give out with the old Technicolor Yawn .
20 Er I would , I would echo that , that we feel that they money has been paid in for work or services done by the employer and by the er fund members themselves have contributed and I do n't think it belongs to either of those parties in any more , it 's held by the trustees to pay pensions , if for nothing it 's been put there just to pay pensions , it 's not a piggy bank for er for companies to draw out with the with their tame er trustees allowing it , it it 's money the trustees hold in in trust and I believe that 's the law at the moment and er I I think we would like to see that confirmed in any new law .
21 She is nevertheless perfectly happy to go out with the guns and take the boys .
22 ‘ We have even offered to go out with the police in their cars to help . ’
23 I used to go out with the London detectives , and these Cockney fellers down in London , they 'd take money off anyone .
24 I 'm afraid I wo n't be able to make it back to Greylaw this weekend because I have promised to go out with the cousin of a friend .
25 ‘ For instance , 7.30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays is a good time to go out with the TV detector van because EastEnders is on .
26 What prompted her father to go out with the hand-cart she did n't know , because underneath it all he was a proud man .
27 Like Mr Barkis , he intended to go out with the tide .
28 Er they they did n't go out with the cart , just with a regular who used to go out with the with the horses and carts .
29 Conscientious objection rose markedly ; 40 of the 400-strong military contingent ordered to go out with the anti-aircraft missiles refused to do so .
30 I can imagine him being one of these , these , these er husbands who just want , who want , who will want to go out with the lads on his night out and will get , you know , he 's a , he 's ste I can imagine him being one of these stereotypical husbands who goes out , gets pissed , comes back , who wants the dinner on the table and
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