Example sentences of "[to-vb] as a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first time I went back to a lake where I used to go as a child .
2 The sensation therefore was immense when he abandoned cricket , and a life of wealth and ease , to go as a missionary to China .
3 I think we 're going to go as a council in the direction of not answering letters on time .
4 And the other half used to go as a window leather which are called st
5 Perhaps we could arrange to go as a foursome ; we 'd have no trouble getting a table if I make the arrangements . ’
6 Neither would Souness want to go as a failure .
7 ‘ I have n't got the money just to go as a traveller , and there are n't that many jobs abroad .
8 ‘ What a splendid idea to go as a Gnome !
9 The use of the mouth to caress and suck the genitals of either sex is more likely to produce disgust in some people , and is treated by many who indulge in oral sex as a ‘ problem ’ , an activity they have learned to see as a deviation from normal sexual activity .
10 Did he ever come not merely to see as a possibility but actually to possess a conviction of what can be called the benign indifference of the universe ?
11 I would also expect to see as a result of local shortages , more sharing of dwellings , by households who have formed not the same of concealed households who have n't succeeded in .
12 I do n't intend to discuss the housing , whether seven hundred acres , sorry seven l land for seven hundred houses is owned by the City of York , that 's not part of our case one way or the other , but we have offered you a distribution of the Greater York provision figure between the districts , because from Barton Willmore 's very extensive experience of participation in local plan work up and down the country , I think we share the view that er City of York have , that Ryedale have , my colleagues to the left and right on this side of the table have , that there does need to be a distribution , otherwise there will be at best confusion as to whether local plans comply with the structure plan , and at worst a game of of pass the parcel and everybody will be conforming , but nobody will actually be possibly meeting the figures , and that is the situation that I do n't think anybody would wish to see as a result of er the outcome of of alteration number three , I mean I do n't know how the County Council would would really be able to say whether they thought a local plan conformed to the structure plan , without knowing what that distribution was , perhaps in some bottom draw manner which is not now the approved way of going about these things , so that I think there does need to be a distribution for the proper planning of York , and before coming on to our to explain our figures a little bit , I should also say , perhaps in in response to remarks Mr Thomas made earlier on about the general character of the York area and the need to protect that , that that course is precisely what the greenbelt is for , and what it does , it is n't necessary to extend that concept across the whole of the vale of York , and therefore to seek to er discount migration outside the greenbelt .
13 The power of the pope to depose an unsatisfactory emperor goes back to the Dictatus Pape of Gregory VII — a power which Innocent preferred to see as a right to inspect , approve and crown , but there is little doubt that it was important in the papal moral armoury .
14 While weighing up the merits of the posts of legal advisor to the Girls Public Day School Trust versus running a legal advice centre in a South London Mental Hospital , she was invited to sit as a Judge on the South-East Circuit and then , of course , her mind was made up .
15 As the search began in January 1989 for 12 people who had never watched his testimony to sit as a jury at North 's trial , one cartoonist imagined it would have to be composed of mujahedin from Afghanistan ; a satirist announced that the first two jurors selected were Hsing-Hsing and Ling-Ling , the pandas from Washington Zoo .
16 The bishop declared that for a clerk in holy orders to sit as a justice in eyre for forest pleas was contrary to the canons of the Church , and rendered him ineligible for an office involving the cure of souls .
17 I got him to sit as a model .
18 It might have been better in the present case to regard the omission to caution as a breach of the spirit of the Code rather than a breach of the Code itself .
19 R. Hamilton resigning as treasurer but willing to remain as a member .
20 Please let me know therefore whether you would like us to remain as a member , at the old rate .
21 A settlement of the longstanding dispute could lead to the United Kingdom reducing its military commitment to the country , although Price had asked the UK to remain as a guarantor against possible Guatemalan aggression .
22 Most preferred to remain as a supplier to the trade , others advertising their ability to furnish funerals in addition to their daily trade .
23 She 'd come into the women 's group after the others had spent some time talking about their individual relations to femaleness ; feminism for her was a safe place , a rhetoric spoken to her by other women , a description they made of her , a set of ideas they had worked out and which she acquired to wear as a badge .
24 He looked at the copper bosom covers she had to wear as a belly dancer — and then at the less than fully-endowed nature of Miss Harris 's bust and said cuttingly , ‘ Which way up are they supposed to go ? ’
25 I had borrowed one of Norris 's big paramilitary-style fawn shirts to wear as a jacket over my anti Poll Tax T-shirt .
26 The woman of the future would be far more than a nurse or consoler , she would have a positive religion to realize as a high-priestess of health .
27 Once you have accepted the offer and the position has been suitably documented , you will hardly ever be able to persuade a court or tribunal to upset it unless you can convince them that you were forced to agree as a result of economic duress .
28 But too often the pack failed to ruck as a unit .
29 What other cargoes would you have to unload as a crane driver ?
30 The desire to get land to cultivate as a farmer and proprietor or simply to get work as a landless labourer drew people to the islands in large numbers .
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