Example sentences of "[to-vb] an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In view of this possibility , both the Carlists and the Falangists decided to forestall an imposed unification by negotiating their own , spontaneous merger .
2 The formal definition of these classes in the SGML syntax used to express the TEI scheme makes it possible for users of the scheme to extend it in a simple and controlled way : new elements may be added into existing classes , and existing elements renamed or undefined , without any need for extensive revision of the TEI document type definitions — though this is perhaps a benefit which only those who have ever tried to modify an existing dtd by hand will truly appreciate .
3 The concerns of Scott J were echoed by Harman J in Systems Reliability Holdings Plc v Smith [ 1990 ] IRLR 377 where the judge concluded ( in a case where he was concerned with an express restriction on the use and disclosure of , in particular the knowledge acquired by the defendant during his employment of the ability to modify an old computer by a small addition so as to make a new product of significant commercial value ) that the controversial part of Neill LJ 's judgment did not bind him to hold that there can not be in an express restrictive of covenant any restriction on information held by an ex-employee which is not a trade secret or something similar .
4 By the second half of the century , the teaching laboratory had become a feature of any university , especially in Germany , which tried to attract an eminent person like Du Bois-Reymond or Carl Ludwig by promising him an ‘ institute ’ with research and teaching facilities .
5 It can be seen that the ‘ developing ’ European nations of Spain , Portugal and Greece are continuing to attract an increased volume of Scottish exports whilst the Commonwealth countries continue their recent decline in importance .
6 In order to become more cost effective it is essential that an all out effort be made to attract an increased number of potential teachers to attend the proposed day in July .
7 Eventually Ryan appeased Neath by choosing more of their players but it made no difference : whatever kind of front five was chosen , static or mobile , Wales were beaten , and then when rugby league lucre had begun to attract an increasing number of his better players Ryan gave up the unequal struggle after the devastating defeat at Twickenham in 1990 .
8 Certainly a high market share has not been sufficient to attract an unfavourable judgement .
9 THE former Club Havana once the centrepoint of Teesside 's youth dance scene is set to attract an older clientele .
10 It made no reference to the possibility that schools for the less able might depress expectations and discourage the pupils in them , or make it difficult for such schools to attract an adequate share of available resources .
11 It means to make a visitor understand how the attempt to annihilate an entire people came to be , and how it was executed .
12 Provision of the means to wage an atrocious war had been agreed on as a sign of good faith .
13 The section allows a licensing board to grant an occasional permission to a representative of a voluntary organisation whereby liquor may be sold during specified hours in the course of catering for a function outwith licensed premises , which function arises from the activities of the organisation ( subs .
14 The power of the High Court under [ section 37(1) ] to grant an interlocutory injunction restraining a party to any proceedings from removing from the jurisdiction of the High Court , or otherwise dealing with , assets located within that jurisdiction shall be exercisable in cases where that party is , as well as in cases where he is not , domiciled , resident or present within that jurisdiction .
15 Thus ( 1 ) article 10 may be used for the purpose of the resolution of an ambiguity in English primary or subordinate legislation : Ex parte Brind , per Lord Bridge of Harwich , at pp. 747–748 ; per Lord Roskill , at pp. 749–750 ; per Lord Ackner , at p. 760. ( 2 ) Article 10 may be used when considering the principles upon which the court should act in exercising a discretion , e.g. whether or not to grant an interlocutory injunction : per Lord Templeman and Lord Ackner in Attorney-General v. Guardian Newspapers Ltd. [ 1987 ] 1 W.L.R. 1248 , 1296 , 1307 ; In re W. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Restrictions on Publication ) [ 1992 ] 1 W.L.R. 100 , 103 , in the Court of Appeal .
16 He submitted that , if a national court is considering whether to grant an interlocutory injunction in a case such as the present , where the validity of the law sought to be enforced is challenged by the defendant on the ground that it is inconsistent with Community law , the question whether the court should require an undertaking in damages from the plaintiff as a condition of the grant of an injunction is to be decided on the principles applicable to that question under the national law , being a question of procedure which , on established principles of Community law , is left to the national law .
17 Yesterday 's Court of Appeal ruling overturned a High Court judge 's decision last month in favour of Hi-Tech Xtravision , of Camberley , Surrey , which makes and sells rival decoders and which challenged the right of BBC Enterprises to grant an exclusive decoder distributorship to Northampton-based Space Communications ( Sat Tel ) Ltd .
18 Where after notification of any of the matters in cases ( 4 ) to ( 13 ) the Society proceeds to grant an unconditional certificate subsequent applications need not contain references to those matters .
19 He was asked to survey the possibilities of a canal to connect the Mersey with the Trent , and he began to conceive an inland waterway system that would link the rivers Thames , Severn , Trent and Mersey .
20 THE ARRIVAL of a live album usually comes with a tacit admission that a band are either low on new material or about to suffer an imminent career flop and need one last cash-in .
21 Thus while the committees hoped their work would act as an antidote to the apparent tendency ‘ to reduce workpeople to the mental condition of animated machines ’ , they also sought to encourage an all-round improvement in efficiency and a training designed to develop ‘ the habit of regular industry … a healthy growth in mind and body ’ , the inculcation of thrift , and the ever popular ‘ discipline ’ .
22 Such spectacles were not likely to encourage an educated view of the treasures displayed .
23 The president and councillors were supposed to encourage an amicable settlement , but if they failed the president could convict wrongdoers and fine them up to twenty rupees .
24 With inflation running at 3.6 per cent , that means they are being asked to accept an effective pay cut of 2.1 per cent .
25 Members of the Legislative Assembly in July , 1990 , rejected a call from the civil servants ' association to accept an effective salary reduction by giving up overtime and other allowances , so that the money saved could go towards a delayed pay rise for civil servants .
26 It was not clear whether Mr Christopher had succeeded in persuading Egypt to accept an Israeli offer to allow 101 of the deportees to return home immediately and the rest by the end of the year .
27 For such a limitation defeats the pre-emption thesis since it requires every person in every case to consider the merits of the case before he can decide to accept an authoritative instruction .
28 If you occupied a senior position , you may not be under an immediate duty to accept an alternative job of an inferior status .
29 The women 's resistance movement was inhibited by its own willingness to accept an undervalued estimate of women 's work , whatever the actual work process .
30 Implicit confirmation of government successes came with Savimbi 's statement on UNITA radio on March 5 that he was ready to accept an immediate ceasefire , under the mediation of Zaïre 's President Mobutu Sese Seko , provided the government abandoned its military gains of the past two months .
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