Example sentences of "[to-vb] which of the " in BNC.

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1 In addition , it is important to know which of the altered plasma factors in the diabetic state are responsible for enhanced platelet function .
2 The group needs to know which of the proposals we are prepared to compromise on and which we want to fight .
3 I tried to guess which of the women were the Russian wives of men stationed here and which were Latvian girls .
4 It is difficult to establish which of the two scientific theories could hold sway .
5 While they are on view he hopes to establish which of the pendants are genuine , which of them are fakes and what are the distinguishing factors .
6 A more open mind was required to discover which of the many possible patterns God had actually chosen to instantiate .
7 To find which of the five is the most fragrant , we 'll be holding a studio sniff-in on Morning Edition at 8.45am on Saturday August 31 .
8 Whenever possible , notices of change should precede the event ; ( 2 ) identification of the partners who will continue the practice under the original or a new firm name ; ( 3 ) notification of the outgoing partner 's new address and firm name ; ( 4 ) invitation to the client to indicate which of the firms referred to he wishes to instruct .
9 ( Do you concentrate on a large or small area of the brain ; if the latter , which one , if the site of the clock has not been established beyond all doubt ? ) ( a ) Do you follow one person only throughout your observation time(s) or choose , instead , a single place to see which of the family , if any , are there ? ( b ) If you choose to observe a single place , then do you study a place that is large or small , say , the front garden , a single- room , or the exit at the end of the drive ? ( c ) If it is a single room , which one ?
10 He was an ungallant swine for deliberately not coming to her aid , but in truth he really wanted to see which of the likely lads , would dash forward .
11 The aim of the game is to see which of the teams can fill up their glass the first .
12 If I asked a question of him then he 'd answer seriously , but if I floated a question and waited to see which of the students would pick it up I could guarantee that it would never be Holly .
13 At this point , we need to test our alternative scientific theories to see which of the above is the ‘ correct process ’ .
14 The orthopaedic secretaries at that hospital should be telephoned to see which of the consultants is happy to do medico-legal reports and how quickly they can see patients .
15 In another experiment , subjects were woken either five or fifteen minutes after REM sleep had started , and asked to estimate which of the two intervals had been used .
16 Try to spot which of the four or five known activities it is .
17 Users of financial statements are encouraged to identify which of the disclosure requirements proposed in the FRED they consider especially useful or unnecessary and to state their reasons , and also to state any further disclosure requirements which they believe would be useful .
18 Nona looked about her with interest , trying to identify which of the young men in her vicinity could possibly be policemen .
19 In the high grade group , a Cox 's multivariate analysis was performed to identify which of the following variables such as age , extension to adjacent organs or serosal invasion , stage and mode of treatment ( surgery , chemotherapy , or the combination of both ) might be of independent significance in predicting mortality .
20 The choreographer 's problem is to select which of the movements are appropriate , when and how they are to be incorporated and what style and quality they require .
21 It is believed senior executives of the company in Boston are aware of the strain on Scottish and Irish employees waiting to hear which of the plants will suffer as a result of Digital 's rationalisation of its European manufacturing operation , forced by world-wide recession and changes in the computer industry .
22 The role of the examinations is to determine which of the candidates have reached a set standard .
23 To assess the likely impact of electronic media on the business historian , it is first necessary to understand which of the three layers of information are of most interest , which are tangible , and which are currently being preserved .
24 It is clearly laid down in the Act that it is for them to consider whether or not the nuisance exists , whether or not it has been abated , and whether it still exists , and , if it does , it is for them to consider which of the requirements of the abatement notice are to be carried out or how otherwise the nuisance is to be abated .
25 In the paper prepared by the Trade Union Research Project which the Panel considered , they outline 5 options , one is a new model , two is a switch to high technology industry and the Panel will come up and say well they either support one or two or three of these options and then the council will have to consider which of the options they adopt , and then have to consider what their planning powers are in relation to it .
26 It will have to judge which of the received suggestions are most suitable as well as possibly adding items which have not been suggested .
27 When he is shown a pair of faces and has to decide which of the two is a celebrity , he performs at chance level , even though he performs almost as well as normal subjects on this task when the faces are replaced by their names .
28 The idea here is to decide which of the possibilities is the most likely one .
29 Yet another Messiah on ‘ early ’ instruments , conspiring no doubt to send retailers completely mad in their attempts to decide which of the many available readings they should plump for .
30 Benny was also putting off telling her own parents about the accident , but she had to decide which of the two nuns to talk to on Eve 's behalf .
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