Example sentences of "[to-vb] his [noun pl] at " in BNC.

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1 Opinion polls showed that the charismatic Jackson would have won the contest easily , and thus removed the frequently heard criticism that he had never held elected office , but he stated that he preferred to concentrate his efforts at national level " to change the direction of this country " .
2 The most important of these will be specified in the Articles of Association , and may well oblige the manager to sell his shares at a price probably less than market value .
3 Some might wonder , ’ he grated , ‘ whether Blake will now be able to set his prices at a level low enough to undermine Lynx .
4 In view of his experience at Highgate School , he had always been interested in the life and tribulations of schools teachers ; and in any case he held strong views about education , about which he lacked an opportunity to state his ideas at length until he gave some lectures in Chicago in 1950 .
5 There is clearly an element of dramatic self-consciousness here , just as there is in Duncan 's account of his affecting the symptoms of old age — " he even started to cup his hands at remarks he could hear perfectly well " .
6 He has every right to bare his teeth at ye if he wants to . ’
7 Most of all , by writing poetry and seeking to enhance his skills at it .
8 He began to unpack his things at once .
9 I 'd heard most of the words that ‘ Jaz ’ used to express his feelings at his misfortune ; the Head 's wife had n't , apparently , since ‘ Jaz ’ was immediately dragged off to the Head 's office to ‘ explain himself ’ .
10 Unfortunately , these concerns led to a campaign of vilification in the press and Crowley was called the ‘ wickedest man in the world ’ ( 1923 ) on account of his endeavour to express his ideas at Cefalu , Sicily ( 1920–3 ) .
11 He entered the School in I893 and on leaving in 1896 — having obtained a first class in the London Matriculation the previous December — was awarded the John Benjamin Smith Exhibition to pursue his studies at Manchester .
12 Angel left soon afterwards to start his studies at the flour-mill nearby .
13 He was subjected to threats and abuse and believing himself in danger of attack , drew a pistol in order to keep his opponents at a distance .
14 The action , brought by Australia 's third largest bank , comes at the end of a year during which Mr Bond — best known for brewing Castlemaine XXXX lager and his 1985 triumph in the America 's Cup yacht challenge — has fought a desperate battle to keep his creditors at bay .
15 Treu [ 15 ] considered the existence of trails through bibliographic citations and thought they should be preserved for a searcher to retrace his steps at a later date .
16 Jim saw an open petrol station and cut in front of a two-kilometre queue of Romanian cars to flash his coupons at the attendant .
17 STRIPPED to his shorts , Santa had only his long white beard to save his blushes at one of Britain 's most exclusive women-only club .
18 Compared with the hours Bishop Proudie seemed to have to toast his toes at his study fire , the pressure of their timetables is terrible .
19 Even the local reporter had to kick his heels at the lich-gate with the few inquisitive neighbours who had gathered .
20 Tennis : David Irvine sees the French Open champion continue to confound his doubters at Wembley Chang thriving in fast company .
21 He appointed a seneschal , receiver and auditors to ad-minister his French lands and employed a proctor-general for French affairs to represent his interests at law .
22 One of Britain 's top bodybuilders is to flex his muscles at an event in Hartlepool 's Town Hall Theatre .
23 Neither did the Emperor of Austria , who preferred to nurse his griefs at home .
24 The officer must indeed be prepared to sustain his attempts at persuasiveness over a long period of time , a matter which can pose problems , for he must be able to sense when a less conciliatory performance is warranted and a show of force , however discreet , would be appropriate .
25 erm it may be that erm because of my generation , but you do n't get the same sort of personalities nowadays as you did in those days , erm Mr for instance he was , he was a most benign sort of erm fellow of what one would describe as a real gentleman mm , mind you he used to have his paddies at times but
26 It was Pascoe 's turn to roll his eyes at the heavens .
27 ‘ Now he sails under a flag of convenience , prepared to change his views at the drop of an opinion poll . ’
28 I only knew because he 's had to change his shifts at Conway House a couple of times so that he could be with her after her chemotherapy sessions . ’
29 The Chancellor was forced to eat his words at an angry meeting of European finance ministers in Brussels .
30 In 1918 he was shot in the knee while on a bombing raid and spent some time in hospital before being awarded an army scholarship , which enabled him to complete his studies at the City and Guilds College , London .
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