Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [art] last " in BNC.

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1 Oh , just one little notice I do have that erm several of us are going on Thursday to the , on the trip to Docklands by the erm erm Rotary Club of Sawbridgeworth erm I 'm told that there are still one or two odd seats if anybody wants to come at the last minute er , he does n't anticipate he 's going to erm fill them so even if , late Wednesday night you suddenly find you are available , by all means , contact and I 'm sure it can be arranged .
2 The borough MPs were very different from their county colleagues , and only thirty-seven of the eighty-six from English boroughs even lived in the same towns ; many were carpet-bagging lawyers , induced to stand at the last moment and at the expense of Central Office .
3 Portugal had only agreed to participate at the last minute , reportedly fearing that the summit would otherwise be geared to increasing the influence of Spain in the region .
4 And of course the woman was n't really one of theirs , just some distant freelance , and the back-up with her was some nutty amateur they 'd had to use at the last moment —
5 You can minimise disappointment by calling the airline ( toll-free ) to check availability , and by being ready to switch at the last moment to a different , less popular destination .
6 Sampras will finish the year in 81st place , Courier a more respectable 24th , but in doubles they have eclipsed their more renowned contemporaries and deserved to qualify for the Masters when Ken Flach and Robert Seguso were forced to withdraw at the last minute .
7 Luckily , one of the participants had to withdraw at the last moment and taking her place on the team , I went off in search of sponsors .
8 Suddenly , Molly 's back arched and lifted his entire weight off the floor as she reached her climax The noises she made finally triggered Yanto who , with great effort , managed to withdraw at the last second .
9 So he was far from impressed with having to take part in the entire build-up , only to learn at the last minute he would not play from the start .
10 They and the Carters were to have shared it that year with the computer analyst and his wife , but one of this couple 's children was involved in an accident and they had to cancel at the last minute .
11 Dozens of beleagured businessmen in the midst of a painful recession were due to hear Michael Hesletine speak at this conference in Oxfordshire , but the President of the Board of Trade had to cancel at the last minute and the delegates instead got a DTi stand-in .
12 In this way , should you be unable to attend at the last moment and he has to sit twiddling his thumbs in his consulting room because it is too late to give the appointment to anyone else , he is recompensed for the wasted time .
13 The knight had to swerve at the last moment to avoid a head-on collision with his opponent , but at the same time he had to couch his lance to his side as tightly as possible with his hand and under his arm so that the lance blow was struck with all the weight and momentum of his horse behind it , for if in swerving aside he moved his hand or used his arm to thrust at his opponent then a blow delivered in this manner would have no effect whatever .
14 Although Denmark and the UK won temporary exemption from lifting internal border controls , Spain refused to sign at the last minute on the grounds that the agreement might prejudice its claims to sovereignty over Gibraltar . ]
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