Example sentences of "[to-vb] by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 French coal production is likely to fall by nearly 40% by 1990 and to halve by the year 2000 .
2 And so now , we have one precise target , and the other two will have to slip by the board .
3 We felt the same frustration when a British Oxfam worker , Peter Coleridge , was kidnapped in Beirut by Abu Nidal and then released within days , after pressure had been brought to bear by the aid agencies in Lebanon and Mustapha Saad .
4 was describing , an analysis that would permit the surety to avoid the contract with the creditor because of undue pressure brought to bear by the debtor , or some misrepresentation by the debtor as to the extent of the risk , or some other impropriety of the debtor , all unknown to the creditor , would be inconsistent with the commercial purpose of the contract .
5 A classic case is the pressure brought to bear by the World Bank in agriculture in the 1970s in support of island projects , the efficiency of which would be ensured by hiving them off from executing ministries , and appointing expatriate ( mainly European ) managers to run them .
6 My only thought at the time was to wipe out the memory of the ordeal you 'd been made to suffer by the man you thought you loved ! ’
7 Population growth in the steep-sloped areas of these countries is expected to increase by the year 2000 , by between 40 and 59 per cent in many areas ( e.g. Ecuador , El Salvador , Guatemala and Honduras ) .
8 Alcohol is expected to increase by the rate of inflation ‘ plus a little bit more ’ .
9 Okay , year three to four it 's going to increase by the rate of inflation over that year .
10 He came to squat by the fire , holding out his hands to the warmth .
11 The normal forms of express covenant contained in a lease include amongst others a covenant to repair by the tenant , and a covenant that the tenant will not sublet the premises .
12 Current holder of the European title , Griffin was only passed fit to box by the championship doctor a few hours before the action got under way .
13 What these differences between the two halves of the brain might be telling us , we had no idea at the time — but some clues will begin to appear by the end of the next chapter .
14 I still believe that that someone is to come by the name of David and setting up of God 's kingdom but but
15 Then you had a a spare man what you sent over the harvest , which you hired for a a month of occasionally they only used to come by the day .
16 And running under a certain island which is called Clauda , we had much work to come by the boat : which when they had taken up , they used helps , undergirding the ship ; and , fearing lest they should fall into the quicksands , struck sail , and so were driven . ’
17 Poland had been trapped in a time capsule , and try as it might to struggle free , the parameters of its political and spiritual life had been set firm for years to come by the humiliation of invisibility .
18 In an effort to produce a short form the JCT has not included specific provisions for many common situations , such as the need to open up work for inspection , or loss and expense suffered by the contractors due to default by the employer and supervising officer .
19 Any redness will have had time to disappear by the morning .
20 Poland had supported the allies in the War , who in turn had intended Poland to benefit by the agreement once Poland became independent .
21 ‘ You did n't come to work by the way of the wharf walk this morning ? ’
22 The sane constable rapidly learnt to withstand the pressure from his seniors to work by the book .
23 In fifty minutes or so , you will have an extraordinary experience : you will know nothing of the baglady to begin with , but you will know everything you need to know by the end .
24 Apart from the two social occasions when he had been with another girl , Liza had seen little of him , even though she had taken every opportunity to pass by the farmhouse where he was billeted .
25 Greg had seen the posters around for some days , and on the evening before opening day he made it his business to pass by the warehouse and go in , for he was a paid-up member of the club , and lit seemed easy enough to fake a mistake about the members ' viewing day .
26 He point to the right-hand side of the room , and tells the men in the class to move that way ; then he points to the left with his other hand and tells the women to stand by the wall .
27 Nevertheless the underlying sentiment had a good deal to do with Iraq 's inability to stand by the treaty it had signed with Britain at Portsmouth in 1948 , and resentment aroused by post-war developments in Palestine did little to help .
28 David Smith 's ‘ Cubi XXVII ’ , the celebrated work which used to stand by the museum 's entrance , and a second sculpture by the artist , have been placed on an awkward terrace above the Monitor Building .
29 What makes it more enjoyable Like my father years ago , Is to stand by the river where Oxford and Cambridge yearly row .
30 Would you detail an SBA — with first-aid kit — to stand by the lifeboat . ’
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