Example sentences of "[to-vb] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier Kevin McNamara , Labour 's shadow Northern Ireland Secretary , described his own meeting on Ulster policy as ‘ overshadowed by a man coming to gloat at the scene of one the gravest blows to democracy carried out in these islands : the bombing of the Conservative Party conference ’ .
2 Johnny , as though realizing for the first time that he was still wearing his pyjama trousers , began to worry at the knot in the cord at his waist , the trembling of his hands causing him to fumble ineffectively .
3 Such arrangements were mutually beneficial , although there was always a tendency for the Communist influence to increase at the expense of other less cohesive groups .
4 ‘ But we seemed to freeze at the start , ’ conceded Nicholl .
5 The girl was quick to catch at the hint , drawing breath gratefully .
6 Tempting as it may be for the harassed mother to jump at the chance of sending her three year old to playschool every morning , imagine the devastating effect this can have when it coincides with the arrival in the home of a brand new baby .
7 Hari felt a rush of disappointment , she had expected Lewis to jump at the chance of earning some money but it seemed he was reluctant to take her venture seriously .
8 A small pulse began to hammer at the base of Lindsey 's throat as she rose to her feet to pour more coffee .
9 Men poured from both and raced through the cheering crowd , up the steps , to hammer at the door .
10 Jamie knew that wherever he was in the wild world , far from his home , he was not the first Scotsman to hammer at the gate .
11 A more fundamental design fault is the positioning of our noses above our mouths , which requires our food and air passages to meet at the back of the throat , an arrangement which exists because the nostril in fish is not a breathing passage , but an opening to a chemical sense organ .
12 On the North-East frontier of India in 1969 , where a ‘ potential Vietnam ’ was developing , political leaders were themselves astonished to meet at the MRA centre at Panchgani , changed , and worked out the formation of Meghalaya . )
13 Innocent III himself by the bull " Vineam Domini " of April 1213 summoned a great council to meet at the Lateran in Rome on 1 November 1215 to be known as the Fourth Lateran Council .
14 or Civil Defence work were asked to meet at the village hall .
15 We arranged to meet at the hotel the following morning .
16 The three brothers had agreed to meet at the beginning of October , at Metz , where their father was buried .
17 And for winter interest , try training two winter flowering jasmines ( Jasminum nudiflorum ) , one each side of an arch , to meet at the top .
18 A special Court of Governors was requested to meet at the infirmary on Saturday February 19th 1814 at 1 o'clock to elect a physician .
19 And the TCCB disciplinary committee is due to meet at the weekend to decide whether to increase Lamb 's punishment for the awful crime of failing to get his comments cleared by Lord 's before they were published in the Mirror .
20 The Cabinet broke up without reaching a final decision , only to be warned by John Major that it risks having to meet at the weekend .
21 Supposing , just supposing , that Mackay and Parsons had arranged to meet at the cottage .
22 ‘ There 's a very special person I want you to meet at the concert tomorrow .
23 I told myself he might have meant us to meet at the Festival , so I went along there and searched for him in the crowd . ’
24 First , fold the napkin in half diagonally , then bring the left and right-hand corners up to meet at the apex ( pic 1 ) .
25 The children in each group are shown trying to escape from their parents in order to meet at the fortress ‘ den ’ .
26 The Committee for the Preservation of Morals was to meet at the house of Mrs Murphy , the wife of the Mayor .
27 In the pre-civil war period , one group of clerics and laymen who shared this approach and who thus opposed the confrontational policies of Laud and his followers , began to meet at the house of Lucius Cary , Lord Falkland , at Great Tew in Oxfordshire .
28 The walks come as the International Whaling Committee is to meet at the end of this month when the whaling nations are expected to ask to have a ban on whaling lifted .
29 Much of the social life evolves around the poolside , where decisions are taken about where to eat for supper , and whether or not to meet at the terrace bar in the village afterwards .
30 Indeed , he brings his own delicately poised irony to bear at the end of his book when he writes ,
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