Example sentences of "[to-vb] on [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Surprisingly though , the wildlife seems to flourish on these ranges , despite the firing of live ammunition .
2 The lower-ranking mandarins who agreed to work as interpreters were rewarded with big tracts of good rice-growing land in the Mekong delta , and the idea soon began to catch on that collaborating paid .
3 As he turned and looked into her eyes he knew instinctively there was no need to worry on that score .
4 To start the exchange we have to suggest a list of possible topics , but we also feel confident that we could should be able to lecture on any topic , any scientific topic , to , for instance , third form children certainly .
5 In an effort to make life more interesting for our younger members of staff and our graduate element , I have been inviting past students back to lecture on any aspect of their current work .
6 The press , again amazingly , failed to jump on this fact but this was the beginning of the Morrissey press explosion .
7 Er all of you , all of you prioritising some sort of organisation and planning of revision , so I 've got some ideas that you might want to try on that score so first years , I 'm sure like Clare you must have some work to do .
8 If … one prescient soul at your level , say , early in 1982 , … really had thought ministers should be forced to meet on this issue and they kept postponing discussions on the Falklands , could you as Permanent Secretary of Defence have ensured that relevant Cabinet ministers did get together and look at the problem rationally and seriously , in so far as it 's possible , in time ?
9 The Lothian Region ( Placing in Schools ) Appeal Committee is likely to meet on several occasions during late May and throughout June 1993 , to deal with appeals against refused placing requests for admission to primary and secondary schools for the session 1993/94 .
10 What is more , co-operative R&D ventures may provide a forum in which firms learn to co-operate and collude with each on a wider basis , particularly if they create well-defined strategic groups that bring peer-group pressure to bear on each other whenever incentives to cheat appear .
11 In view of the statement made by the Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary that terrorist movements can be destroyed very effectively from within , will the Secretary of State consult his right hon. Friend the Prime Minister to ensure that the full weight of the intelligence services is brought to bear on all terrorist movements within the United Kingdom ?
12 The mid-1970s brought increased economic pressure to bear on all business activities , and this had the effect of making advertising agencies become more concerned about reductions in company advertising budgets .
13 stake in National Power or PowerGen to bring pressure to bear on those companies to reduce the development of gas-fired stations , they might end up in a United Kingdom court for breaking United Kingdom company law .
14 Spearmen are particularly good in this role since they can bring an extra rank of spears to bear on any foes who charge them and this means that casualties suffered by the front ranks are less of a disaster .
15 My hon. Friend brings a great deal of expertise to bear on this issue .
16 The Institute has a key role to play in bringing the expertise of transport professionals to bear on this issue .
17 A source of evidence that is often brought to bear on this question is the relative abundances of certain inert gas isotopes .
18 However , normal mass spectrometers are not sensitive enough to detect 14 C and to reject all other elements or molecules of very nearly the same weight , such as 14 N. As this nitrogen isotope makes up some 80 per cent of the atmosphere it is very common relative to 14 C. The techniques of nuclear physics were brought to bear on this problem in the late 1970s , and it was shown that 14 C could be detected using what is now referred to as accelerator mass spectrometry , AMS .
19 On capital spending we tended to concentrate on that spending which would show a return on the investment and if we could we 've postponed er , maintenance spending erm , renewal of cars and that kind of thing .
20 Most referees will tell you that when a new directive comes out on a particular law , referees tend to concentrate on that law , sometimes at the expense of refereeing other laws .
21 Our interdisciplinary aims have always led [ us ] to concentrate on such links , but I think this is unusual in linguistics departments generally .
22 So I set it frustratedly aside , to concentrate on another mystery .
23 I plead with our commissioners and their counterparts in the Roman Catholic side to concentrate on this issue and not to dally for this I believe is the golden key to that greater , completer , richer and more effective church that is surely coming under God .
24 Now although evolutionary research can lead and indeed has led to major breakthroughs , it is so unlikely that it would not be sensible to concentrate on this type of research , for which in any case there are many potential sources of funds .
25 As the administrative receiver is unique to company law ( and is probably the most common type of receiver appointed with respect to companies ) it is proposed to concentrate on this type of receiver .
26 Although there are many complex factors in anorexia , I have chosen to concentrate on this sense of self-hatred and dissatisfaction with her body and image ; on those areas which are directly about the question : ‘ How do I look ? ’
27 The choice to concentrate on this period should not be taken as implying that coin designs are unimportant in the study of other cultures , for this is not at all the case .
28 Make the latter aware of your intention to concentrate on these tasks , if necessary , at the expense of other intrusions .
29 I was an unreceptive boy to teach , disinclined to concentrate on any subject that bored me .
30 I shall say something this morning about the negotiation on political union , in which I am most closely involved , but I do not want to concentrate on those themes today , because the world has not obligingly stood still as we prepare the approach to Maastricht .
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