Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For , while Léopold Senghor and Houphouet-Boigny were able to communicate with their political colleagues in Paris , they had nevertheless not forgotten how to communicate with their own people .
2 Some fish may use sound to communicate with their young , and to signal danger .
3 The grounds for doubt are very varied but there are now several cases of chimpanzees , and at least one gorilla , who have first been taught to communicate with their human mentors in an apparently rational way by means of stereotyped signs invented by their teachers and have then gone on to use these signs grammatically , generating novel sentences as if the signs formed a genuine human language .
4 And with the millions of insects buzzing , crawling , flying and swimming about , all needing to communicate with their own kind and with other associated species , but not with the millions of other creatures , this would seem to be essential to avoid confusion .
5 For , while Léopold Senghor and Houphouet-Boigny were able to communicate with their political colleagues in Paris , they had nevertheless not forgotten how to communicate with their own people .
6 She is abandoned in the home all day , unable to communicate with her teenage daughter , Camille , and her only proper friendship is with a neighbour , Constance .
7 ‘ Ma , ’ he said in a tentative tone of voice , his face going slowly pink with the strain of trying to communicate with his despondent parent .
8 There may however be a way of adapting it to say that the solipsist will be unable to use the term ‘ beetle ’ to communicate with his later self ( in a diary , perhaps ) , since what gives the term its meaning to him now can not be what was then in the box ( an object to which he now has no access ) but what he now thinks was in the box .
9 Since you are so unwilling to communicate with your old friends they can only guess .
10 But also the database is passive , it never knows which client is going to communicate with it next .
11 Er I was at Portugal , we had fancied going to America but er my husband 's young brother and his wife want to come with us this year and they 've got two young kids so they felt it was far enough for them .
12 ‘ I wanted to come with you that night , ’ she said earnestly .
13 ‘ I want to talk , money talk , and I 'd like you to come up to New York next week to meet with my financial boys , if that 's okay with you ? ’
14 A country 's energy ( oil ) consumption tends to increase with its economic development .
15 A group of vengeful noblemen invited him to dine with them one evening , served him poisoned food and wine and then set about murdering him — a process that was anything but straightforward .
16 She was still looking admiringly around when , ‘ I 'm so happy that you agreed to dine with me this evening , ’ Lubor stated warmly .
17 He argued that he has to persist with his Euro flops as he tries to qualify for the World Cup .
18 Our chances of ending the war quickly would certainly be greatly increased if the battle were won ; but if we failed to win it , even after what had already been achieved , our victory would merely be postponed and not rendered impossible , especially if we resolved in good time not to persist with our useless efforts at Verdun , but to take the initiative of attack elsewhere .
19 Two are about to leave Oxford University to work with their former professor — Tony Cheetham — and five other students who have already settled in California .
20 We know that the best way to achieve our objective is for countries to work with their national traditions — not against them .
21 And in the absence of government initiatives a non-governmental health organization has started training ‘ mental-health promoters ’ to work with their own communities .
22 Concurrent Computer Corp says it is continuing to work with its financial advisers on a series of initiatives to strengthen further its capital structure , improve profitability and provide financial flexibility , but only if it does not dilute shareholders ' interests in the company , which reported better than expected third quarter figures — in Company Results , page seven .
23 The family must demonstrate that it has the capacity to work with its conscious or unconscious feelings of threat from blacks .
24 But , ’ said Terry darkly , leaning towards me , ‘ this is something you should know , if you 're lucky enough to work with him one day . ’
25 My life lay away from them now , and the problems I had brought to work with me that morning reclaimed me with redoubled urgency .
26 It would be interesting to know with whom this initiative was discussed by those who advise the secretary of state .
27 Because he 's got a plan of the site so he wants to know with his little squares , what 's what .
28 But why was an in itself not implausible view held with a passionate , indeed a pathological , extremism which contrasted so notably ( as Bernard Shaw was to observe with his usual wit ) with the ideal of moderation and the juste milieu which had traditionally defined middle-class social ambitions and roles ?
29 Preparers of financial statements are encouraged to comment on the disclosure requirements proposed in the FRED and to indicate with which specific requirements it might be particularly costly or difficult to comply .
30 Enraged by the wine bar 's policy of forbidding them to stand with their male colleagues to drink at the bar , Hall and her cohorts decided to stage a protest .
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