Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The case against the Flakes collapsed in court in April 1991 , leading the prosecution to request that all charges against the couple be dropped .
2 His first step was to request that all copies of the European Vehicle and Components ’ Plan be withdrawn from circulation .
3 Assuming jurisdiction could be established , it would be necessary for the Court to accept that all members of the United Nations have a direct interest in the observance of its provisions and therefore standing to challenge a conflicting treaty .
4 In the face of such evidence it was a little difficult for at least some of the non-poor to accept that such conditions should continue and that free enterprise could bring them to an end largely unassisted .
5 However , in order to accept that such examples are evidence in favour of a Stem + Lexical Rules Hypothesis of entries in a mental lexicon , it is necessary to show that similar patterns of dissociation do not occur for other word-final fragments .
6 Sitting there in the Cathedral Close in the weak spring sunlight , trying to grasp the enormity of the events we had lived through , we gradually came to accept that these things were now in the past , and the war was really over .
7 If we accept that as a precondition of change , we have to accept that those changes must come about democratically .
8 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
9 Many of us in middle years of life have experienced the pain of such loss : few of us have experienced multiple losses , sometimes in quick succession , except in times of war ; none of us have yet had to accept that those losses , of our own generation , signify the beginning of the end for us .
10 But most rock is false in one way or another : you have to accept that some bands fake it better than others , and Ugly Kid Joe fake it like champions .
11 But until this has actually proved to be possible — and Jakobson would have denied that it is — it seems reasonable to accept that both kinds of equivalence constitute a distinguishing feature , if not of all poetic language , at least of a great deal of it .
12 Where Article 3 is applicable it is realistic to accept that both sides are engaged in conflict from the perspective of determining the claims of third parties .
13 The consumer , being used to smooth thick conventional yoghurt , may reject Busses yoghurt because of those unfamiliar characteristics but Busses yoghurt continues to sell well despite this and it is encouraging to know that many consumers do recognise the quality of the product .
14 For standing on the , on the seats you see , which I mean my father was right he 'd got the experience to know that several men had been drowned like that .
15 The first hurdle will be to renew the approval of the Vice-Chancellor , a senior judge , who has so far agreed that there is a case to argue but wants to know that enough creditors support the action to make its pursuit a worthwhile use of all creditors ' funds .
16 He was not to know that those pictures appalled her , that she had never imagined herself capable of such thoughts .
17 We know enough to know that these things are not good for our life support system or for our quality of life , and that our activities have damaging effects on our wildlife .
18 To have such ‘ scientific knowledge ’ of , say , the facts that man is the only animal with a sense of humour , that gold dissolves in aqua regia , or that triangles have angles equal to two right angles , is to know that these things must be so and can not be otherwise .
19 If some students are to use laboratory , workshop , craftroom or drama department facilities , we have to know that these spaces are available at the required times and with suitable staff , and what numbers can be accommodated in each .
20 In this work he needed to know that these numbers factorised uniquely into primes ( 3.7.13 ) just as do the ordinary integers .
21 I personally needed to know that these ideas were not wrong .
22 The arguments in Beyond the Pleasure Principle which sought to establish that all organisms aim at death , a return to the state of inanimate matter , were admitted by Freud to be ones which could be overthrown by later biological research .
23 Research began with the aim of seeking to establish that any effects of organizational differences are researchable .
24 The pop singer , Morrissey , was so astounded to discover that some girls ' breasts are bigger than others that he wrote a song about it .
25 But I was comforted to discover that these highways are antiquities , built by some unfortunate landowner who expected a visit from the king .
26 He was sobered to find that many Tahitians were already dying from the venereal diseases bequeathed to them on a previous visit .
27 He was pleased to find that both girls shared his taste in music , although they also liked sentimental ballads and dance music .
28 The train lover was fascinated to find that most journeys are undertaken on the railway because Chinese roads are not up to Western standards .
29 It was quite a surprise , therefore , to find that most galaxies appeared red-shifted : nearly all were moving away from us !
30 Youthful offenders were also believed to be getting younger , and according to one magistrate parental authority was at such a low ebb that ‘ it is melancholy to find that some parents are not ashamed to confess that children of seven or eight years old are entirely beyond their control ’ , while another thought that ‘ in nine cases out of ten , children are entirely masters of the position ’ .
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