Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] in the " in BNC.

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1 We can comfort ourselves in the knowledge that death must have supervened very quickly .
2 ‘ And I shall tell you , my Lord Coroner , how Edmund Brampton , steward to Sir Thomas Springall , did not hang himself in the garret of that house in Cheapside ! ’
3 Perhaps the rage and common decency of the British people will vent itself in the near future where it has not in the past and finally get this Government out and replace it with a more caring one .
4 Did Bonnie enjoy herself in the end ?
5 Before 18 months , a child wo n't recognise herself in the mirror and for a long time will describe herself in terms of attributes ( like smallness ) and her possessions .
6 I really did enjoy myself in the Tests last summer and know I can reproduce that form again . ’
7 That being so , ‘ I must immerse myself in the atmosphere of my homeland . ’
8 Some years later he commented on this to Minton who gave an insight into their insouciance : draw in the morning , when fresh , he advised , so that you can enjoy yourself in the afternoon .
9 He says you can still go out and enjoy yourself in the sun but it 's important to wear a hat and protective clothing — and to avoid the sun altogether when it 's at its height .
10 You will not respect yourself in the morning .
11 But she undercuts this realization with footnotes which describe similarities , but no differences , in the articulation of gender in homosexual relationships ; and which parallel the unconscious splits generated by discourses of gender , with those generated by racist discourses : ‘ When I made generalisations about women ( almost always derogatory ) , I did not include myself in the group I was talking about … .
12 With these qualities they well be fully prepared for the big trial , but they must also know themselves in the deepest sense — ‘ to be in touch ’ , as Scott frequently mentions , ‘ with that critical inner voice . ’
13 People can immerse themselves in the spiritual dimension without being religious at all .
14 The section does not specifically empower the policeman to give directions as to how the actor should conduct himself in the future ( as by leaving the spot ) .
15 We can lock ourselves in the basement , away from that bloody thing outside and until this Darkfall storm blows over . ’
16 Particularly this will show itself in the gift of availability to another , a conducive meeting-place , the courtesy of taking the phone off the hook , keeping confidences and having grace to forget as well as remember things people tell us .
17 It may show itself in the formation of groups with a hierarchical power structure , or as an outwardly driving force , such as is found in a hunting group .
18 This amalgam of experience will embody itself in the final shape and fitting of a lifeboat that is designed to take the RNLI into the 21st century .
19 The philanthropist Helen Bosanquet drew eagerly on the work of the French sociologist Frederick Le Play to argue that the ‘ stable family ’ with its male breadwinner was ‘ the only known way of ensuring with any approach to success , that one generation will exert itself in the interests and for the sake of another ’ .
20 Whatever her beginnings in life , she could now carry herself in the most élite company without the slightest fear of revealing her true origins .
21 She could busy herself in the garden till then .
22 Donna was n't sure whether it was perspiration or if she 'd wet herself in the hectic chase .
23 Our highest and most serious imaginative inventions may show themselves in the medium of the arts .
24 Another way of creating a bad impression at a social interview is by being so self-conscious and aware of what is going on that you are unable to act naturally and show yourself in the best possible light .
25 Occasionally the fungus can ensconce itself in the terminal portion of the urethra , and it may then give rise to symptoms similar to those found in non-specific urethritis .
26 He could see himself in the garden with Fraulein Simonis , investigating those dark eyes at closer quarters .
27 Typical of him , wrote a friend , was his willingness to ‘ clothe himself in the humility of a commoner 's gown ’ ( Oxford Magazine , 2 November 1917 ) .
28 Since it can not be known as a concept that will realize itself in the future , Sartre argues instead that the totality only produces itself in the moment : ‘ The incarnation as such is at once unrealizable except as totalization of everything and irreducible to a pure abstract unity of that which it totalizes ’ ( II , 58 ) .
29 She showed no inclination to argue further , but lay back in her chair , smiling at Robert , and I saw that it was not , as I had believed , understanding and acceptance that her smile revealed , not that their marriage was so secure it could sustain itself in the face of any disagreement , but that Lili could afford to be pleasant because she had no scruples .
30 A twenty-foot wing-span model powered by a steam engine of Henson origin , but much improved by Stringfellow , was tested in 1845 but could not sustain itself in the air .
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