Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Julia could trust herself only to nod .
2 She raged silently all the way back to the cottage , but it was only when the front door closed behind them that she could trust herself enough to speak .
3 Only on his way home at lunchtime did he at last rouse himself enough to make a detour , and stop by at his brother 's apartment and invite Franco to come home with him for lunch .
4 More importantly , he was not tonsured : Lothar , perhaps moved by the obligations of a godfather , could not bring himself thus to exclude Charles from the ranks of the throneworthy .
5 Of course , the real reason is that 900 of his constituents work at Rothmans and he fears for his majority but he ca n't bring himself actually to say so .
6 The door was flung open before Rincewind could collect himself sufficiently to make a dash for the window .
7 Dublin can not bring itself publicly to renounce its territorial claim to the North , while privately living in dread of ever having to acknowledge a direct responsibility for Northern Ireland 's Protestants .
8 The man or woman whose marriage is a mess , who seeks a more loving relationship with a succession of lovers , but who can never bring themselves either to leave or be honest with their partner , is caught in a cycle of small deaths with no hope of life .
9 If a bench of two justices can not bring themselves thus to dispose of the case there was no other sensible construction of section 9(2) then that a bench of three must become seized of the matter , rehear the evidence and comply with the statute , i.e. convict or acquit on the evidence .
10 Privately Vitali will feel relieved that his yearning can finally be classed as hopeless — that he need not spur himself recklessly to act in regard to me ; and maybe die as a result .
11 Complete new animals can be reproduced asexually by detachment of an arm and starfish may literally tear themselves apart to reproduce .
12 There was a very long and comfortable settee in front of the window which had a view of the River Thames which mesmerized me to such an extent that I could scarcely tear myself away to go to bed .
13 all of that , I ca n't psyche myself up to yank it out , so
14 It is essentially a melodic instrument and , though holding-notes in music of light calibre are charming in effect ( especially from or thereabouts with the exception — save in the hands of first-class players — of C ) it can not efface itself sufficiently to carry out the menial task of ‘ filling in notes of the harmony ’ in block writing .
15 Some degree of shared morality is essential to this minimum of cohesion , and any weakening of moral belief may reduce it below this minimum ; hence we can not bind ourselves not to use the law to safeguard existing moral beliefs , no matter how peripheral they may appear to be .
16 The man who is basically insecure in himself , or the one who looked to his spouse as a mother as well as a wife , may become bitterly jealous of his children : a jealousy which he will seldom allow himself consciously to recognise , so that he will place blame on his wife , justifiably or not , for neglecting him .
17 When she occasionally visited him in London or Stuttgart , she always found him busy , although he would certainly have made time for a new lover , and he did put himself out to entertain his cousin Petrie who , with his wife , turned up unexpectedly in Stuttgart during a travelling holiday .
18 Her own nerves were stretched to breaking-point and she could n't allow herself even to contemplate the changes that would now come in her relationship with David ; that luxury would come later , because for the moment lives were in danger .
19 After all , if the University was n't going to keep her on ( Swallow 's request had come , rather tactlessly , later in the very same day on which he had communicated this gloomy prognosis ) why should she put herself out to oblige the University ?
20 She kissed him affectionately on the cheek and dashed off before she could persuade herself not to listen to him .
21 ‘ And when first proposing your truce , ’ Father Ludovico said , ‘ did you put yourself out to press that view in any way either ?
22 One distinguished-looking delegate , who Mark recognised as the Chairman of the British Conservative party , introduced himself to say that people with his experience should put themselves forward to serve in the European Parliament .
23 If they had to do without him he would n't be greatly missed , and he doubted whether they would put themselves out to keep him .
24 But if we were gods , and immortal , and could sit ourselves comfortably to watch the years slide by , with a magnetic compass conveniently to hand next to the ambrosia and nectar , we 'd see something extraordinarily interesting .
25 Although there will always be enthusiastic individuals who will teach themselves how to use a microcomputer , any concerted and coordinated attempt to develop effective use of the microcomputer in school libraries will depend heavily on an effective in-service training programme .
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