Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 In The Cloud of Unknowing he did not present the whole complexity of the Greek mystic 's vision , but dwelt upon his central belief that God is ultimately and essentially incomprehensible to the human mind and that if we want to ‘ know ’ God in this life , we must divest ourselves of all our ideas about the reality that we call ‘ God ’ .
2 I 'll just grab my video camera then I can include myself on all my articles , invoices and letterheads .
3 The tragedy is that life has now become complex and involved , and they wonder if they can ever break themself from all those things that are now hindrances .
4 She usually so high and bright , a breezy chatter of her day in class , but now ; her work , the tawse , the first time she had used it , her tearful minute victims , she did not feel herself at all .
5 He just did n't look himself at all .
6 He gyrated carefully so that he could see himself at all angles .
7 She did n't understand herself at all !
8 ‘ I shall defend myself with all the eloquence at my command , ’ said Mr Singleton unworriedly .
9 The bell-lamp in the passage looked as clear as a soap-bubble ; you could see yourself in all the tables , and French-polish yourself on any one of the chairs .
10 She had lived to see him prove himself beyond all her expectations .
11 He must n't strain himself at all .
12 As the human mind matures the same basic insights will impose themselves on all .
13 and not the back of the photograph , otherwise you 'll get yourself in all sorts of difficulties and it may make a nice editorial , nice letters to the editor , but it would be very irritating to the editor , because they hate having mistakes pointed out to them , and that 's picture perspective .
14 I think that some girls ca n't disassociate themselves from all the advertising they see .
15 Officials and administrators can not divest themselves of all ideological clothing in the advice which they tender to their political masters , or in the independent decisions which they are in a position to take .
16 I do n't restrict myself at all .
17 No I funnily enough I just landed er er I I I did n't hurt myself at all .
18 I thought I 'd absorb myself in all these things .
19 The hon. and learned Gentleman , who is an authority on this subject and a distinguished member of the Select Committee on Employment , must ask himself in all seriousness about the consequences for the supply of job opportunities of Labour 's policies on the minimum wage and increased social charges .
20 Perhaps that poor man did n't kill himself after all ! ’
21 Because he 'd be thinking , what if I do n't kill myself after all ?
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