Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] of the " in BNC.

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1 I am hoping to meet some of the children before the Marathon and when the pain barrier hits me at around 20 miles I will only need to think of the courage and bravery of these young children to give me the extra incentive I need to finish the race .
2 They would expect to learn of the success of the Tay landings , and to set off on the seven miles that would take them to the central strongholds of Alba , already besieged by their fellows .
3 She did n't like to think of the Alice falling into cop hands .
4 You may like to think of the essay as a journey ; in the introduction you give the directions and the likely route that will be taken .
5 As emphasised , sufferers in relapse do not necessarily return to use of the substance or behaviour of addiction .
6 Nature reserves are widely appreciated and much admired , but do we ever stop to think of the behind-the-scenes management ?
7 This outlay represents around a fifth of what it would cost to dispose of the waste locally .
8 Well done Joy erm a nice summary of a complex book and er there 's obviously a lot of things that will have to go of the erm lecture on it next week , so really this is not due to be talked about .
9 When we survey the reception of Darwinism ( chapter 8 ) , we shall have to beware of the temptation to assume that the success of the selection theory in the twentieth century was built upon foundations established in Darwin 's own time .
10 Still , doing these rather than the outstanding equipment performance reports means that he does n't have to use of the typewriter .
11 By and large people who are healthy and alive do not wish to think of the possibility that they are going to die cardiac or cancer deaths .
12 If this percentage potential could be considered to hold true outside the USA , we would certainly have to ask of the great majority of congregations , ‘ What has happened to your ten per cent ? ’
13 The card will not work in unison with another video card so , if you are upgrading an existing machine , you will have to dispose of the original card .
14 Once the speculator has assembled and identified the land , he is often not over-anxious to draw attention to his activities and will therefore attempt to dispose of the site direct to the builder or developer without advertising or using an estate agent .
15 A mere allegation that the goods are his , without any attempt to show how they came on the premises , will not do , for ‘ to allow such a statement to be a justification for entering the soil of another , would be opening too wide a door to parties to attempt righting themselves without resorting to law , and would necessarily tend to breach of the peace . ’
16 ( In hydrocephalic children , where a drainage shunt is fitted , the faulty functioning or blockage of this shunt can lead to damage of the optic nerve . )
17 Reconstruction or alteration of the premises without this consent may lead to forfeiture of the licence ( subs .
18 For Gandhi , particular religions are necessary to convey what it might mean to speak of the one , true and perfect Religion which is beyond predication and not realized within finite existence .
19 The observations which we shall make can be directly linked to an account of the overall possibilities of English grammatical structure ; by this we do not mean to speak of the paradigmatic relationships between different clauses , but of the syntagmatic relations which construct the clause itself .
20 The eastern states claimed they could not afford to dispose of the chemicals , which would require incineration , and were originally given until the end of 1992 to use them up .
21 ‘ The majority of people do not care to hear of the torture of elephants .
22 Where indexicals can be routinely treated truth-conditionally , we will therefore continue to think of the theory that handles them as part of semantics .
23 ‘ I could n't bear to think of the future , of what would happen to her when we got old , if we got ill , when we died , or worse — whether she would only live a few years , ’ she says .
24 Whatever criticisms one may want to make of the quality of the evidence and analysis of the debate , it is hard to deny its effectiveness in changing the climate with regard to the control of the curriculum .
25 Okay , if you could turn to back of the calendar card please , you 'll find that is a , , that 's just plain lined paper which is divided into two columns , that says at the top to be done in January .
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