Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] into any " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I did n't want to go into any more detail than absolutely necessary .
2 He did n't want to go into any other kind of films .
3 I 'm sorry about that , it really is more of a second thought , although I do n't want to go into any detail and I 'd like , like any broad that you have to be in my mind in this case at least
4 Happily I do not need to go into any great detail because on the central issues there was no great conflict between them .
5 ‘ Well , Ms Bishopric , ’ said Dr Groome , ‘ if you do n't want to fit into any of the roles we 've assessed , just what do you want to be in the Dream ? ’
6 But when the dentist had announced that it was urgently necessary to extract two teeth Mills had got up and walked away , glad that he had n't taken off his coat and so would not have to enter into any further discussion while he recovered it from the waiting-room .
7 The developments that occurred : the extraordinary behaviour of certain sections of the press ; and the later career of the Duke of Windsor , provoked in me both short-term and long-term disillusionment ; but I do not intend to go into any further detail here , though I can not repudiate what I said .
8 ‘ I do n't feel competitive , I do n't want to get into any bitching .
9 ‘ I do n't want to get into any trouble .
10 ‘ I do n't feel competitive , I do n't want to get into any bitching .
11 I do n't want to get into any argy bargy about anything particularly
12 All pay awards are , have been settled at one and a half per cent , and I do n't propose to go into any of the the detail .
13 Within the field of Latin American art as a whole there are still many individual artists who have not received the attention they deserve because their work does not seem to fit into any larger pattern .
14 We do not know what sort of a variable it is ; it does not seem to fit into any category .
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