Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Thank you — I 'd prefer to see them in full sunlight , ’ Lucy said hastily , in case Silas imagined she was anxious to experience a moonlight stroll with him .
2 She certainly would n't want to drive them to London .
3 As your children get older you will probably want to encourage them towards a more unselfish view of the world by pointing out that their rights have to be balanced against the rights of others — and that includes their parents .
4 Now do you want to provide them with any parking facilities off parking ?
5 This can be particularly useful , because although your dog may well master these quite readily in the privacy of your garden , it will also need to perform them with your encouragement in the totally different environment of the training hall , in the company of other dogs .
6 You 'd really need to see them to I mean I could n't explain it to you really .
7 If they do , you can concentrate on the substance , but if not you will need to provide them with background material .
8 The media can not operate without input and you will need to provide them with something of interest to impart .
9 Any proper examination of those models would need to set them in their philosophical and social contexts .
10 However , I will seek to set them in the wider context of the Government 's commitment and programme for the computerisation of general practice .
11 As your stock of effects grows , you will need to catalogue them by tape-number and counter-reference so that you can find them easily when you need them .
12 The charity is still in force today , but is used for grants for students and apprentices for books and any equipment they may need to help them in their careers .
13 Meanwhile , ideas for new contrasts and effects keep popping into my head and I can hardly wait to put them into practice .
14 I hope that he learns them well , because he will need to deploy them for a long time .
15 You do n't need to practise them at all you know which one 's which .
16 Other times she made me promise to keep them for ever , to remember her by , and say a prayer She was a bit vague who it was I was to pray to .
17 you certainly do need to keep them for a while .
18 You do n't need to hoard them for years , I know some people who hoard receipts for years .
19 We are not advocates of the ‘ prosperity gospel ’ , but we do recognise that the people God definitely seems to entrust with finances are those whom he can trust to hold them with an open hand .
20 You will need to turn them into green teachers … and that will be even more difficult .
21 Read the instructions supplied with the card as if there are serial and parallel ports on the card you may need to configure them as LPT2 , COM3 and COM4 if those devices are already installed .
22 Now this time we do n't need to change them into twelfths could you add that 's a half add a sixth ?
23 I realized I would need to convince them at the first opportunity that I was primarily a practical policeman and not an academic ; and I also noted that while the college was keen to list the academic qualifications of those on the course , the participants quickly justified Lewis 's assertions by playing them down to emphasize their history of praxis and practical mastery .
24 And again a man a removal man you see can leave cardboard boxes , you do n't need to have them by , we 'll collect them if you want .
25 I think from the County Council 's point of view , the safeguard is there is no proposal to make those available for other spending within the committee and therefore , if hopefully we do not need to access them during the year , they are still available for Council in future years to , to meet other spending requirements .
26 ‘ I 'll need to take them with me . ’
27 ‘ Hey , I ca n't wait to tell them at school .
28 Hundred thousand pounds you do not have to submit an inland revenue account , therefore you do n't need to tell them about the three hundred thousand pounds and therefore you wo n't pay inheritance tax .
29 The problems were , was that the schools , since they were doing this , they assumed that all schools did this , therefore they did n't need to talk about it , they did n't need to tell them about it .
30 You do n't fucking expect to see them on the side of a bar though do you ?
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