Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 They 're signalling Oh I do n't want to go that way I want the next one .
2 Give us more freedom in the afternoon if we need to go into Wokingham instead , do you want to go that way for a change or this , or through the woods ?
3 We have joined a centralised unitary state , and at some stage we shall have to ask the people , ‘ Do you want to go this way , or do you not ? ’
4 Do you want to go this way and have a look ?
5 No , I 'll er prefer to go this way .
6 She was remarrying — to a war hero , of course , just like all the girls that year — and did n't want to know either way about her former husband .
7 Why could anyone choose to live this way , with a musical talent , intelligence , and adorable personality like his ?
8 ‘ Well , I 'm sure he 'd want to help any way he can , but I do n't rightly see — ’
9 ‘ If you 'd like to come this way , Mrs Bouverie , I 'll show you the warehouse and the rest room . ’
10 Would you like to come this way . ’
11 And I would like to find some way of saying to people who do smoke , for instance , even on the top of buses where it 's now banned , you know , please do n't !
12 Perhaps YOU would like to try this way ?
13 Should you decide to go that way , it is imperative not to take the main road , the N10 ( let alone the adjacent motorway ) , but to turn sea wards , to the right , in Ciboure , once you have crossed the Nivelle , and drive along the Corniche Basque .
14 Yet IT will certainly be able to allow such an approach , should we decide to go that way .
15 It was a great relief that they would no longer have to scheme some way of getting Anna out , at the right moment , while he himself was touring somewhere .
16 is , yeah , that will do , but it 'll have to go that way
17 We ca n't go back again , we 'll have to go this way .
18 If he really had left his boat in the cove round the point , he would have to come this way again , and I would certainly be able to see if he brought anything with him .
19 Going in the other direction , say from English into Arabic , a translator should try to find some way of conveying the emphasis attached to a fronted predicator .
20 He does n't have to pass this way to go to the shops .
21 I 'd have to find some way of talking to her alone .
22 I knew she 'd have to find some way of getting over him but I did n't expect anything as drastic as this . ’
23 Some are virtuous , i.e. we can live with them and do not have to find some way to stop them .
24 She would have to find some way of raising the money herself .
25 She would just have to find some way of avoiding physical contact until Dana returned from her trip to Hadrian 's Wall .
26 Then we shall have to find some way to make your next performance more convincing , wo n't we ? ’
27 But she 'd have to find some way of squaring the situation .
28 If he was already on his way out , she would simply have to find some way of stopping him , though right at this moment she did n't have a clue just what that would be .
29 She 'd have to find some way to forcefully evict him from her thoughts , and the only way to do that was to fill her mind with something completely different — like the party she was planning .
30 ‘ We 'll have to find another way . ’
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