Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] at the " in BNC.

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1 They would 've looked at the lights , I know .
2 No , I thought it might 've said at the back and Dinosaur
3 They may feel discouraged at the magnitude of the task before them , and gain a sense of achievement and control by isolating parts and dealing with them thoroughly .
4 Similarly , teachers who have specialised in the education of children with disabilities can feel daunted at the prospect of handling and coping with young children .
5 The client , it is hoped , will feel reassured at the end of the assessment interview .
6 The danger for Leeds was that as they began to over-extend themselves they would become exposed at the back , where they are at their weakest .
7 I think if you do n't do that , you 'll very easily become over-influenced at the time by the fact that it is a crisis you 're dealing with .
8 For example , a centred heading above justified text would become blocked at the left-hand margin if Alt+P was applied to it as well as to the text below .
9 Support Alan on Saturday and contact him with details those items you would like auctioned at the next opportunity in December .
10 It could well become agitated at the dispersal of the pigeons , turn its head towards the lights , and bark heatedly at the roadworkers .
11 It may have formed at the same time as Coed y Brenin .
12 If you had told any of Britain 's hard-pressed post-war chancellors that they could expand the economy vigorously and turn round the external accounts by 6.5 per cent of GDP without adverse consequences , would they not have jumped at the chance ?
13 It is hardly surprising that he should have jumped at the chance of establishing his ‘ Samba school ’ in Paris .
14 The company is now in a regulatory climate where no objection would be made to either of its corporate investors , NEC Corp and IBM Corp , each with around 5% , greatly increasing their stakes in the company — to perhaps 25% each — but IBM has no cash to spare even if it wanted to get more involved with a company forever at the mercy of the shifting tides of French policy and NEC Corp , which two or three years ago would have jumped at the opportunity of making Bull a European and US outlet for far more of its products , faces a price war in its cash cow personal computer business back home and faces such a hard time that it has just seen its debt ratings cut — at a time when cheap capital is no longer available in Japan .
15 The company is now in a regulatory climate where no objection would be made to either of its corporate investors , NEC Corp and IBM Corp , each with around 5% , greatly increasing their stakes in the company — to perhaps 25% each — but IBM has no cash to spare even if it wanted to get more involved with a company forever at the mercy of the shifting tides of French policy and NEC Corp , which two or three years ago would have jumped at the opportunity of making Bull a European and US outlet for far more of its products , faces a price war in its cash cow personal computer business back home and faces such a hard time that it has just seen its debt ratings cut — at a time when cheap capital is no longer available in Japan .
16 And anyway , most girls would have jumped at the chance of lameducking them .
17 If I were Batty I would have jumped at the offer .
18 ( a ) Bill of costs Your firm 's bill of costs should be prepared in accordance with the quotation that you will almost undoubtedly have given at the commencement of the transaction .
19 How Crapper 's eyes would have gleamed at the sight of a pampas plug-flush , low-level siphonic .
20 Noodle or Blueboobs would have flown at the kid to avenge Crackpot .
21 Although thus easy so far — albeit unexpectedly — he could hardly have guessed at the difficulties ahead .
22 At her side , introducing her to people , encouraging her to elaborate on some of her ideas for the future , Luke was urbane , expressing only suave approval , and no one could have guessed at the personal contempt he felt for her , not a hint of it — or anything else personal either — allowed to show through his sophisticated public manner .
23 Who 'd have guessed at the start of the season that within a handful of games Oxford United would be looking for a new manager …
24 Who 'd have guessed at the start of the season that within a handful of games Oxford United would be looking for a new manager …
25 When planning staff at Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire said the Union flag outside the Bell Hotel in the town needed planning permission because the flag pole was n't vertical , they could n't have guessed at the outcry .
26 Many of the girls who had been in her class at school , had they been told about it , would have scoffed at the coyness and naïvety of Marie 's fantasy .
27 It screwed me up thinking how the invalid 's hopes must have soared at the sound of my entry , and how she must now be falling into deeper and deeper misery because of the silence and the nothing happening .
28 I pulled out the stool which Billy must have sat at the desk on , and began to rifle through things in no particular order .
29 Both groups should have reported at the end of 1982 , though engineering will take longer , and other subject groups will be set up in due course .
30 The whole place stank of money : much more money than the singer could have earned at the Kitty Kat Club .
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