Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Prime Minister must make known what the Government 's plans are .
2 The House will have heard what the hon. Gentleman said about his parliamentary neighbour .
3 That comes within the responsibility of my fellow Under-Secretary of State , my hon. Friend the Member for Eastwood ( Mr. Stewart ) , who will have heard what the hon. Gentleman said about further applications .
4 The detailed points raised by the hon. Member for Linlithgow ( Mr. Dalyell ) are matters for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs , who will have heard what the hon. Gentleman has said .
5 Desperation and hunger had addled hir senses : SHe should have guessed what the score would be .
6 It was such a freak open accident that no amount of preparation or legislation could have prevented what the boy did on that particular occasion .
7 This rumour may have done what the poll tax did in 1381 , set fire to a potentially explosive situation , indeed one which had already shown signs of bursting into flame .
8 If they 'd told the Blakeys a week ago the Blakeys would have said what the clergyman had said : that Stephen 's father could not have been responsible .
9 With that money , we could have provided what the people wanted and real choice .
10 Few among them could have known what the job entailed .
11 St Paul was not ‘ ordained ’ — and would not have known what the term connoted .
12 But the thousands of people who trudged to the polling stations to cast their vote for this party must have known what the terror tailpiece to the democratic process would have been .
13 ‘ But surely she must have known what the job entailed ? ’ she snapped , her anger in no way lessened by the knowledge that it was illogical .
14 ‘ The killing would have happened whatever the population of the prison .
15 It has to though because if in the pa if they 've had this long-term sort of culture for all this time they need to be given ideas but essentially if their traditional values were so strong they would have rejected what the Communist Party was trying to say , but because they accepted it it meant they ha they did actually have the potential to be revolutionary .
16 Right I sha n't er be able to remember all your names but er nevertheless if you know each other then er Er you may have wondered what the Nottinghamshire Pre-retirement Council is well we are a charity .
17 He must have wondered what the outcome of it all would be , though he was not to remain in doubt for much longer .
18 But who you see at the very beginning they must have established what the roles were .
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