Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] [pers pn] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Reagan , Hatch , Quayle , they would 've clapped you in jail in the old days . ’
2 And they want to come and see the factory , they want to go to yeah , it fell down cos Richard was too busy at the end of last year , fine get that sorted and i Sally was dropped in the crap by right at the end of last year , came on five sets of bearings , I could 've done 'em in two weeks .
3 Well , I see they 've instructed you in the story of your birth , since you had so thriving a grudge against me .
4 Presumably the library should at least have highlighted it in some way such as printing it in red , on the front of the delivery note , perhaps with a large red hand pointing to it .
5 Now erm once again I 'm relying on the information that Norman would have given you in describing how we go about setting the assignments up .
6 Green weeds and barnacles were thick on them , and whales might have saluted them in passing .
7 I would have joined her in Tartary !
8 ‘ I thought you might have joined me in New York , ’ he said softly .
9 Welshman Ian Woosnam would have joined them in second place but for a double bogey at the 17th for a 73 , while Scotland 's Colin Montgomerie is tucked in just behind after finishing four over par .
10 I wonder , if you 'd been at that dinner , would you have joined them in their scepticism .
11 ‘ Moray and the north will always be his , and the rest would have joined them in time with no more than what he was offering : equal rule , equal justice , equal worship .
12 I 'd have joined him in the Abacos if he 'd asked me , little holidays from time to time .
13 As a result of this all pervading desire for reticence it is possible to suggest that the presentation of research papers in seminars , the creation of an undirected thesis , not to mention the production of a book , could easily have placed me in breach of Regulation 6 , which outlines the disciplinary offence of
14 Whatever reply Jesus gave would have placed him in danger .
15 We could equally well have placed it in the other hole ( state B ) and it would similarly remain there .
16 Aliens might have placed it in her , it might have burst out of her body rending her — it had done so .
17 It then took me a while to realise the significance of it , but at last I remembered it had been around Dora Belle 's neck , the person who murdered Perk and she must have placed it in Perk 's hand when she buried her .
18 He could have broken me in two with one hand , but he could not break my spirit .
19 Only I was just scared — I could have broken her in two with my bare hands and I was scared to death of her .
20 This would seem to demonstrate not only that studies in different areas or at different times have produced different results , but that a follow through of the cases prosecuted might have found , for example , that Blacks had a different ( possibly higher ) rate of ‘ not guilty ’ pleas , with acquittal rates which might have justified them in not accepting a caution .
21 I also had a look at the fact that Toby might well be — or have been — the man I 'd been waiting for , though God knows I 'd never have recognized him in a million years if we had n't happened , entirely by accident , to stumble into each other 's arms .
22 They are entitled to these benefits , they should have received them in the past , and they should have received them by law .
23 Roman 's interruption held a note of such ferocious anger that in any other circumstances it would have stopped her in her tracks .
24 Ultimately , it was all too easy for Sainz , who could afford to enjoy the scenery in yesterday 's Scottish forest stages after Kankkunnen , the only man who could have overhauled him in the world title race , lost crucial time when his Lancia hit a rock .
25 Only decent thing in the room , if you ask me ; he must have won it in a raffle .
26 ‘ It 's funny , ’ says Brian , ‘ they 're both so like my own kids that we often say the stork must have dropped them in the wrong homes the first time around .
27 ‘ Could he have dropped it in the car ?
28 In R v Mehmed [ 1963 ] Crim LR 780 where the accused had an air pistol which he produced in another 's private house , it would be reasonable to assume that he must have carried it in a public place to get it there or to take it away .
29 ‘ Two men … someone must have let them in the front door … they took Jacqui … ’
30 And if I 'd known there would be raised voices , I would n't have let you in here . ’
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