Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But people who live under the flight path used by the jets say that the report does n't explain properly HOW the accident happened .
2 So keep the the plaster-spotted faces of the fanatics in your mind as you exercise , and you 'll laugh so much the wrinkles wo n't have a chance .
3 It is not easy to measure and describe just how the different clones of white clover differ in their reaction to different neighbouring grass species or forms .
4 Both Robert Jones and Dewi Morris will be in action on the final Saturday of the Five Nations but Jones — probably only Ireland 's Simon Geoghegan has lost more ground than him in the course of the season — would need just about the game of his life to regain his lead over Morris as the other scrum-half to Gary Armstrong .
5 Unfortunately I have been unable to trace any documents after the survey , and so do not know exactly why the scheme fell through or even whether the bill was ever presented .
6 To me , in a book containing so many emotions , I find dialogue really important because it lets me know exactly how the character is feeling rather than leaving me to make my own assumptions which are often wrong .
7 Let us now consider more closely the main positive conclusion Moore reaches by application of his two principles , namely that personal affection and the contemplation of beautiful objects are by far the two most important good things of which we know .
8 We must now consider more closely the pope 's relationship with the law and where Innocent stands in its development .
9 Farms below a labour input of 200 standard man days are excluded from grants for certain buildings and other structures so many part-time farmers do not qualify under either the AHDS or AHGS .
10 The magazine Private Eye was more scathing , having already denounced the Thatcher and Bush governments for agreeing ‘ that they will not pursue any further the terrorists who bombed the plane over Lockerbie since they are known to be close to the Syrian government ’ ( 28 September 1991 ) .
11 This is a very painful condition , and there is a risk that the seed responsible may track further up the leg .
12 Nothing could demonstrate more elegantly the fascination there is in studying animals today .
13 In chapter 3 I shall discuss more fully the question of how far these demographic structures do affect the nature of family obligations , at any given point in historical time , considering in particular how far demographic factors in the late twentieth century have given a particular shape to kin groups .
14 We can predict statistically how the atoms and photons will behave , but we can not predict accurately for each one of them — and , afterwards , we can not tell how each of them has behaved unless we look .
15 Mr. Walker : In making decisions about opencast coal applications , one must consider carefully both the short-term and long-term environmental implications .
16 He 'll buy probably about a thousand cans
17 It was really what one would describe as almost a complete takeover .
18 Let us consider here just the relationship between the focusing and reasoning components in a system of this general type , and restrict our attention for the moment to the case of one pronoun in a sentence in the absence of any non-anaphoric ambiguity .
19 The United Kingdom expert , very surprisingly , was equally silent on this matter ; he explained the purpose of Article 23 as being to enable Contracting States to refuse to execute Letters of Request which lacked specificity in that they did not describe precisely enough the documents to be obtained or examined .
20 But I do n't know quite how the Welsh mentality works you know as regards you know loyalty to one 's nation or whatever , but er no , l looking from the outside you know , I I thought it was a bit strange that sort of next door neighbours could end up you know completely opposed to each other .
21 One can not know completely either the information that was available or the value that should have to be associated with obtaining more information prior to the decision being taken .
22 Let me describe briefly how a black hole might be created .
23 This problem is certainly not restricted to mathematics and the program designer and teaching team should consider very carefully the various presentations they would like to have available .
24 What strange quirk of the heart made me feel so much a part of the life of this place ?
25 Okay what we 'll just do just just a brief .
26 A multicentred audit under the auspices of the British Society of Gastroenterology has now started that should show more clearly the role of barium enema in the investigation of anaemia .
27 As the US Joint Chiefs of Staff commented on 22 October 1951 : The security interests of the United States at this time would be greatly benefited if the British Commonwealth of Nations could achieve once more a state of political and military solidarity under strong and effective leadership by the United Kingdom ; failing this , wholehearted support of United States military policies must be obtained from the several members of the British Commonwealth through other means .
28 Now if we consult this record , and remember the success , in giving it its modern form , of a gallery of reformers of roughly utilitarian hue from Tom Paine , Bentham , J.S. Mill , and Tolstoy , to Bernard Shaw , Sidney and Beatrice Webb , and Evelyn Strachey , we might wonder why its provisions for animals do not embody more closely the ideals of that theory .
29 Standing silent in the hall now , Sabine let herself feel once more the pain of Hugh Russell 's rejection of her .
30 Internationally , the emphasis was on developing mediation processes and organizational structures within which leaders could perceive more accurately the ( non-aggressive ) aims of their potential adversaries .
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