Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It would n't fool them for long but it would do for a moment .
2 Do you want me to just go through any others ?
3 Do n't want me er do n't want me to just check it ?
4 Alright , any other , do you want me to just , do you want me to just to get her to call you ?
5 Alright , any other , do you want me to just , do you want me to just to get her to call you ?
6 Rather he thinks that ants ' social organisation and skills should make them at least as rewarding to study as the birds and mammals on which animal behaviourists have focused .
7 One solution that government has used is to replace or override them with more compliant organisations such as the urban development corporations referred to above .
8 Trains from West Kirby will finish at Birkenhead North station and a shuttle bus will convey them from there to Hamilton Square station .
9 And it is no surprise that the man who first addressed a novel called The Joke to the citizens of a prohibitionist state in the middle of Europe twenty-five years ago should treat them with as much sympathy as harsh lucidity .
10 Disappointingly strawberries do not freeze so if you do not eat them at once you need to use them up in some other way .
11 I can even compare them with nationally agreed criteria and say how well they have done , and grade them against each other when they leave me , if I must .
12 Outgoing ministers may buy them for about £75 , but the boxes must be fitted with new locks to preserve the secret of their mechanisms .
13 See those are cheap sets we can probably buy them for about twelve quid apiece could n't we ?
14 He had warned the Assistant Commissioner , McPhee , and together they would ensure that for the next two or three days the City was flooded with agents who would alert them at once to an assembly .
15 Yes , I know We 're going to be investigating some carpet shops while you 're signing on the dotted line , wo n't need me in there now will you ?
16 ‘ Get them out , Stan , we do n't need them in here .
17 Well tt during , during our discussions I 'll be taking notes on your current financial situation but also why erm your thoughts for the future and erm and in doing this I 'll be using this form to actually assist me to actually take down these notes .
18 I think they 'll know me by now .
19 ‘ You would n't catch me in there ! she declared , and the girls giggled .
20 I expect Sinbad feels that as I 'm in the last few months of my final year , she 'd better pack me with as much experience as possible before I get whisked away to act staff nurse in some ward .
21 ‘ Best get out of them wet things , ’ he said , kneeling down beside him , ‘ so 's I can dry them for tomorrow . ’
22 Do n't I know you from somewhere ? ’
23 I do n't know you from yesterday . "
24 ‘ I do know you by now .
25 Well listen , let me i let me introduce you to now who shall we pick , Tony , first of all what have you got to say to it , sitting
26 It would indeed hound him for ever , and inspire the many references in dialogue to his father which we shall encounter , and his ambiguous sense of direction and self-fulfilment .
27 It was better , he decided , that she did n't recognise him for now , disguised as he was .
28 It 's just that I do n't trust him to only take one that 's all !
29 I rang Bunny because he too had been at university with me , though , funnily enough , I did n't really know him until later .
30 You see , I did n't know her for long and it was a privilege to meet her at all .
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