Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 You ca n't bear it any longer , does that act as the same ?
2 For example , virtually all university lecturers , if asked to choose concerning next year 's pay between two deals , the first being this year 's pay ( adjusted for inflation ) and the second a 50 per cent random chance of nothing and 50 per cent chance of double this year 's ( inflation-adjusted ) pay , would opt for the former .
3 Franco 's own forces were similarly , if less virulently , shot through with internal rivalries and disagreements ; but if confronted with a choice between the status quo and the risk of " the reds " returning , they would all opt for the former .
4 Even if the vendor is selling the whole of his trade , it seems from Inland Revenue Statement of Practice 8/81 that he can invest the proceeds of sale in acquiring new qualifying assets , as part of a new trade , and this will count as the same trade for roll-over relief purposes , so that his gain on the sale of the assets of the old trade is deferred .
5 We should strive for the same sense of adventure .
6 I 'm determined that Constance wo n't fall into the same trap . ’
7 I trust that I will not fall into the same trap !
8 But with understanding had come a growing determination that she would never fall into the same trap — would never allow herself to be ruled by a foolish , hoping heart .
9 It was early yet , she noted , and , feeling in no hurry to start a day that might well fall into the same luckless category as yesterday and the day before and the day before that , she sat up and leant against the headboard .
10 To some extent the Dutch and the New Zealanders , with their lamb , must fall into the same category .
11 A hill or valley can often act in the same way as an enormous sail and bend the wind over a large area .
12 But the steroids in the Pill are of a different sort — they are the female sex hormones ( or closely related chemicals ) and they do not act in the same way as corticosteroids .
13 It was inevitable that both would act in the same interests , and command support against putative extravagance and recklessness .
14 He did not feel that he needed to apologize , and said that if similar circumstances arose he would act in the same way .
15 Where the employee is working on the employer 's premises , the employer must act in the same manner as a reasonably prudent employer .
16 There was no doubt that Hari would buy from the same supplier as the Grenfells and what if Hari had an outstanding bill ?
17 ‘ Because everybody goes and jumps in the river is no reason why we have to go and jump in the same river . ’
18 The apparent ritualistic posing , although strongly performed and easy to understand , did not appeal in the same way as his Song of the Earth .
19 did n't count in the same
20 Starving people have frequently refused to eat food that is foreign to them , and horses will behave in the same way .
21 At the moment it seems our American friends had the right of it , but we are still working with the wild-caught fish and quite often these do not behave in the same way as tank-raised fish do .
22 It does not follow that if subjects are induced to behave in a certain way within the idealized limits of experimental control , they will behave in the same way when these limits are relaxed .
23 With most sentences , particularly non-observational sentences , no clear answer will emerge because the natives will not all behave in the same way in the same conditions .
24 Now what I 'm wondering is this : instead of thinking that staying put is natural , and then having to introduce a force of gravity — which then mysteriously pulls on everything to make them behave in the same way — why not start out by saying that falling is the natural thing to do !
25 Guy ( 1980 ) has concluded from his study of final stop deletion that the individual follows the group norm very closely ; but since we know that scores for different linguistic variables are not distributed within or between groups in a comparable way , we can not conclude that all variables will behave in the same way as the syllable-final alveolar stop .
26 Do they behave in the same way syntactically , or , to put it more accurately , do topics , like themes , have no syntax ?
27 Some program upgrades do truly behave in the same way as their predecessors but this is the exception rather than the rule !
28 On a smaller scale , the electrical forces that cause the electrons to orbit round the nucleus in an atom would behave in the same way as gravitational forces .
29 We have noted that , given a certain type of search space , the A* algorithm may behave in the same way as breadth-first search , since the latter is a special case of the former .
30 If you are told that your employment is to end immediately , but that you will be paid salary for your notice period , that will fall within the former category .
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